Tuesday 28 November 2023

What's Happening - November 28, 2023

 JLP Conference

The speakers at the JLP conference did not get into the cussing and tracing match we have become accustomed to. The PNP and JLP politicians have improved their behaviour as politicians. We can now declare the divide and encourage hate amongst adversaries has died.

The electorate is now interested in hearing about issues and plans for the future. The Prime Minister, the Finance Minister and Chairman Robert Montaque did a song and dance of the JLP's performance. The PNP will say that they enjoyed the comedy show. At the end of it, the electorate will decide.

The Finance Minister indicated that the personal allowance for carrying goods into the island will eventually move to USD1,000. That should reduce the time for digging into personal luggage to find something to tax.

Reducing bus fares is a good move, but rural folks will not benefit from a reduction in fares.

The government still has the big fish to catch - crime. Failure to deal effectively with the crime challenge could impact its political fortunes negatively.

Robert Montague's speech at the JLP conference - script

Robert Montague's Speech at the JLP conference - video

The Police and Civilians

Can you imagine it is alleged that an 11-year-old boy attacked police officers who were dealing with his father? Boy has learned from an early age how to bad up police. His father must have trained him well. I was shocked that one state official saw it as the boy probably being traumatized. I hope that when I am traumatized, I can behave like that 11-year-old boy.

Residents of Mountain View in Kingston, including women holding their babies, showed the nation how to deal with the police.

Citizens take on police officers and soldiers on Mountain View Avenue.

Young boy tests police officers.

Young boy tests police officers.

Shabby Treatment by Nurse at Hospital

A man who took a woman who was in labour to the hospital for a delivery was devastated by the attitude of a nurse. A caring doctor saved the day.

Click to listen to the man who took the lady to the hospital.

And a child is born:

Click to listen - baby is born.

What will happen to this building on Constant Spring Road, Kingston? Mr. Edmund Bartlett, you could take it over and turn it into a tourist attraction. It could be the Outameni attraction for Kingston.

New Tourist Attraction on Constant Spring Road?


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Anonymous said...

Respect must be earned!! Two wrongs can never make it right! The citizenry must be disciplined & must respect the police/soldiers. These officers should not just run in and start man handling man, woman & child! That is not right, however we as citizens sometimes have wrong doers in our midst and want to shield them. Let's not pretend.

The law enforcement officers must enforce the law respectfully and without fear or favour!

Discipline and Respect are the foundation for a civil society.

Anonymous said...

I am shocked to hear some one in media sympathizing and offering support for the action of the child, but when an 11 year old in this country can chuck badness to a member of the security force in such a manner,iñdee Jamaica it's clear Jamaica is fast becoming another Haiti. MAY God help us

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt the child attacked the police officer. I have seen how children attack teachers in our schools. These children are not disciplined from home. They are not taught how to behave towards each other, parents, adults, and authority. This child believes that he can defend his wrongdoing father against authority because his father is the sole provider for him and his sister.

Anonymous said...

Slackness so sad what's happening in our country😃

Anonymous said...

Why is everybody in shock and awe when these things happen in 2023. Aren't you reading your Bibles, what we are witnessing is exactly what the good book said will be taking place. It is all over the World...so why would Jamaica be any different?. I am not surprised about anything happening in these times. Crime will always be here and mankind has been doing these things from before Christ.

Anonymous said...

Vernon - you no easy at all. I had a good 😂😂😂 Hope you'll find time to take me to this New Attraction😰

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