Friday 15 December 2023

Bark Di Trute Communications Consultant Lois Grant Heads for Mexico on Special Assignment

Bark Di Trute Contributor and Communications Consultant Lois Grant is on a flight to Mexico to experience the great products offered by Chagod Tour. Chagod Tour has been operating in Jamaica for the past two years. Look out for Lois' great stories and then seize the opportunity to get on one of these tours. It will be a memory that will remain with you for life.

Lois should have gone to Cuba to cover the movement of Cubans travelling from Cuba to Jamaica using the Chagod Tour. I understand that changes are being made in Cuba to allow Cubans to come to Jamaica to do business. She was not able to make that trip.

Our Supporters enjoyed reading Lois' Bark Di Trute articles about Cuba. The articles attracted wide attention. 

She departed from the Norman Manley International Airport this morning to Mexico.

Lois has started sending in reports already. She says that the flight to Santo Domingo was full. An update just came in - Lois is on her way to Cancun in Mexico. Look out for her articles about Mexico that will be published by Bark Di Truth.

Lois with Julio who is the travelling companion

Lois Grant with her son Darrick before departure

Guillermo Torres Ochoa - Chairman and owner of Chagod Tour Jamaica Ltd

Lois in Santo Domingo

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great 👌 I wish most people could afford to take a trip outside the country I'm certain it would change their mindset about a lot of things. But some can't even leave from one parish to the next much less

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