Thursday 21 December 2023

Breaking News - Man Detained in Hopewell High School Bursar's Death!

I just got word from a reliable source that someone has been detained for the murder of the Hopewell High bursar. 

It seems that the killer could be someone close to the school community and even close to the bursar. If you have information about this crime, please pass it on to the police.

Remember the death of Mellisa Silvera? The original story was she died from natural causes. Now we understand that she was shot. We must be careful in dealing with the murder of this bursar. We might be looking all over for a criminal when the criminal could be right there in the community.

Other reading:

Observer story (Note that this story said that the principal jumped through a glass window and sustained injuries. Why would the Principal jump through a glass window? Is this report correct?)


There are some gruesome details we can expect to hear about the killing of  Mellisa Silvera. This is a case to follow!


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Anonymous said...

Sometime the killer is right under our nose let's watch and see

Anonymous said...

That's true; the cops will not have to look far and complicate a simple crime solution.

Anonymous said...

All good crime investigations should begin from the inside out.
Not the other way around.
Has the Principal been detained? according to unconfirmed reports.
This looks like real mix up alphabet or other criminal facilitating relationship matter.
Wait somebody tell me Hopewell Bakery still operating ,used to have one of the best hardo breads in Western Jamaica.

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