Thursday 7 December 2023

Constituents Calling for Northeast St. Catherine Road to be Fixed

Kerensia Morrison MP

The roads in North East St Catherine need to be fixed. Residents are calling for assistants from Member of Parliament Kerensia Morrison, the member of parliament for this constituency.

The constituents are waiting to hear from you, Ms Kerensia Morrison.


Please add your comments to this blog.


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Anonymous said...

it look like she more concerned wid how she look.wid all dem beed beed about to choke tell her she put there for work. not her damn looks. she pretty still but people cyaan carry dat go a shop.

Anonymous said...

I am from that area in North East St Catherine and specifically Pear Tree Grove District and in all my life time I have never ever seen the roads in such horrible condition. These roads are main roads and even trees are growing in the middle road. It is a dam shame

Anonymous said...

It would be nice if you all could say thanks for those that is fix and looking forward for the rest also

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