Sunday 10 December 2023

Crab Circle Dilemma

Heroes Circle/Crab Circle

Alice and Nadine the Crab Circle filmer in Wonderland not back in business yet I take the following pragmatic view.

  • The KSAMC officials which are the original defaulters should now look at adequate parking and security.
  • A truce should be worked out among them all. Nadine and Alice should be brought back to work peacefully together.

If you live in this country you know how things go. Crab Circle reprisals may very well happen on or off location. 

Think about this statement "if mi cya sell out deh you cya sell eyeda".

Family, friends and fambily wi tek it up and drive by fi mek it lock down forever, and then everybody suffers.

From reports, Alice, Nadine and her family are having it hard and a holistic compromise is essential to bring back all to live and work together in peace and harmony.

KSAMC, wake up you all and see how downtown and Parade becomes a ghost town after 7:00 pm with shootings occurring East, West, North and South. Southside Tower Street where I stood in on a commendable peace meeting at about 9:00 pm, most people attended from a distance as there was talk in hushed tones that "a so soh informa deh deh".

Gunmen are young men and not one was in sight.

Generally, the people are great human beings and I suspect just a handful of miscreants. It reminds me of good old country people mannersable and not mean-spirited.

I took note of a whispering comment "When di solja dem come een dem nuh duh nutten jus hol dung dem head inna dem phone or a luk oomam when Gunman a walk up an dung an all a bruk people shop/bar teef poker box an liquor".

I hear poker/game machines fetch a good price in the market that's why related establishments are being broken into all over the country. Good effort though by the Gold Street Police personnel. 

As to Crab Circle, I recommend that the KSAMC, the MP, Councilors and the police intervene proactively to save lives, limbs and the business environment at Heroes Circle. All officials mentioned have personal security and do not live in those toxic environments.

All those areas are ticking time bombs ready to explode, use the intelligence and act intelligently.

Contributed by Mics 🖊pen


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said sir, I totally agree, I never looked at it that way and I'm sure others have not too.

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