Saturday 16 December 2023

Former MP To be Charged For Murder?

I just got information that a former MP will be charged for murder shortly. It is difficult to get a confirmation of this matter or to even get more information. 

If you have any information on this matter, please WhatsApp me in confidence to 876 816-5261.


Anonymous said...

Intrigue and interest at the highest

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I supposed he has fallen from political grace tremendously for this to happen.

Anonymous said...

Stop spread propaganda...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Here we go again Criminals Paradise is on the move.
He who has economic power and influence associated with that has real political power to get the justice they desire along with everything else.
Chuh just another episode in the Criminals Paradise plays.
Next,Next,Next,how much day wonder again ?
Pick yuh choice or call up a Troy and ask a Trojan fi remind yuh Missa D.

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