Tuesday 5 December 2023

The Disciplinary Committee of the General Legal Council Reports on Lawyer Izat Buchanan's Case

It Buchanan

I have warned the nation that there is a push for academic excellence with no push for how we socialise our people.  

Standards have dropped so low to the extent we accept any and everything. There was a time when teachers, doctors, lawyers, police officers were expected to behave a certain way. Our students had to live up to some very high standards. I am from rural Jamaica - as a youngster growing up, we were expected to display good manners and behaviour.

I have said that at the rate we are going, I expect an ex-convict to be the next Governor General, the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition, the Chief Justice of Jamaica or even a Bishop of a church community.

The case of utterance made by Mr Isatt Buchanan targetting our DPP is an indication of where we are heading. I understand that he has been suspended from practising for two years. Click the link below to see the report from the Disciplinary Committee of the General Legal Council.



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Anonymous said...

It is a race to the bottom of the garbage. We as older heads have to be responsible for at least one youngster.

Anonymous said...

It's disappointing but not that surprising. Hope lessons learned. Reading the transcript I thought for sure he must have been under the influence of something. I suspect it was not prescribed, but who knows.

Anonymous said...

So sad I hope lessions will be learnt😃

Anonymous said...

All forms of hate must be stamped out and punished and that includes misogynistic behavior and speech!!! Shame on you Isat Buchanan!! Serve you right

Anonymous said...

Academics saying #1 but no change in behaviour. Hope lesson will be learnt. Look before u leap!

Micspen said...

God's Legal Council or
Youthful Exuberance

While comments are culturally offensive and many of us would not be bold enough to repeat such quotes from a poem/song by Mr Adijah Palmer "Menace".
I do not believe this culturally nuanced matter rises to the level of violating someone's civil,human or constitutional rights.
Now the GLC should not be allowed to violate a person's basic human rights to a job.
I get the impression that the General Legal Council are like "God's" legal Council and I ask to whom does one or in this case Isat Buchanan appeal their judgement.
The only real offence I see as a regular member of the General Public is "Youthful Exuberance".

mics 🖊 pen

Anonymous said...

We are in a most dangerous place, NOTHING is wrong ,everything can be explained... SMH.
As an attorney Isat ought to show better judgment.

Anonymous said...

Well said! However; I honestly do not it is him alone. God just exposed him, so we get better understanding of what is really going on.

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