Friday 22 December 2023

Think Before You Act - A Scammer Could Scam You NOW!

Editor's Note:

This is a true story shared with me by someone who cares. We must learn from the mistakes of others. Share this blog now and help to prevent another person being scammed.

My girlfriend who lives abroad recently ordered some items from Amazon. She was home when the delivery guy came but did not reach the door in time. He did not leave the packages. 

Two days later she received an email from one of Amazon’s couriers called Gati Ltd which referred to the recent returned packages which, if she still wanted them, she would have to pay $5.15 for them to return with the packages. The message asked her to click on a link, which she did. The link then asked her for her date of birth, telephone number and credit card number, which she stated. 

The day after that she received a call from a male executive on the phone who identified himself as a member of her bank's Fraud section. He asked her if she had just attempted to make a purchase for USD400 in Anchorage Alaska. She said certainly not. He said that an attempt was made to use her credit card to make that purchase, but the bank had blocked it, pending approval from her. 

She panicked. 

He then asked her how many accounts she had with the bank, and cautioned her that the scammers having access to her credit card details would likely have access to her bank account (debit cards) and they would soon erase the amounts she has in those accounts. 

He suggested that she move out the money from the account with the most money, starting with a test transfer to John Brown  (fictitious name) who is the manager of the nearest branch of her bank. She transferred the $10 to the bank manager’s account. The transfer went through. 

She then asked him, By the way, how do I know that you’re calling from “X” bank? 

His answer was, "Well I know your date of birth, don’t I ". 

I think it’s because she panicked and did not want the scammers to get to her savings, she was in a hurry to get the money out of their reach. 

The man then suggested that she move out $4,900 from the account (the limit for most banks is $5,000) to the bank manager’s account, as she had done with the $10. Bear in mind that the $10 test was done because, once you have a person on your online banking list of payees, further transfers, even for large amounts, can be done without delay. She transferred the $4,900 and he asked her if it had been done. She said Yes, but the bank said that there would be up to a 4-hour delay. The man said, Okay I will call you back in 4 hours. 

She then asked him if he was okay with her calling the bank to verify this whole thing. He said, Sure. 

She called her bank and all hell broke loose. They know of no such individual. This is when they REALLY had to get to work to stop the transfer of the $4,900. 

She is a very bright girl. She feels a bit down. Because she is my friend and I know her well, I will not judge her. It was her moment of weakness. 

I have decided to write this, not because of suss, but to further educate you about what is out there. 

Lessons to learn:
  • Do not click on the link 
  • ⁠Do not fill in any form online with your date of birth, phone number AND credit card number together
  • If the man is calling from the fraud section of the bank, the bank will not need your help to transfer any money. Invite them to transfer it themselves since they have more access than you.

Written by Dr. Dahlia McDaniel

Dr. Dahlia McDonald

Dr Dahlia McDaniel is a registered pharmacist and Managing Director of Charlie’s Pharmacy Ltd. Telephone: (876) 787-5025.

“Excellent Health Care Is Our Minimum Standard”


Anonymous said...

O my God thank the Lord they didn't get anything.We just have to be the very careful especially in these days So much Scammers out there. And they are so knowledgeable about what they do.Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I am glad they delay for four hours because her money would just gone like that. I don't answer to any massage from the bank that came to my email

Anonymous said...

Do not answer calls from any financial institution . Tell them you will call . NEVER give your Social security number, TRN,, date o birth any any such info snd NEVER click on any link.

Anonymous said...

Very unfortunate, we must be careful I recently had a call from someone who claimed he wanted to confirm a purchase made using my credit card for $5000 he claimed the purchase was for gift cards of $500 each I immediately called my credit card company the purchase had not yet been finalized the company immediately cancelled my card . They are out there and the internet makes it so easy for them. Thanks as always V for sharing

Anonymous said...

Gm I am so happy they did not get her

Anonymous said...

Over Sea bank's are more quicker to act and make sure that your money is safe. Out here all when the scammers take out all your money and gone. You might get a notification that this amount has been withdraw and if you go and reported it tell you that there is nothing they can do. All when you give them all the information for the scammers and they check and see that it is a new account the scammer just open. So who are these bank's working for, the people's of Jamaica or Evil cults. Yet the money is insure. So when you money gone yet the bank not loosing any money. So why do we need these bank's to be treating us like an outcast instead of citizen's of Jamaica. Honestly; there is too much hypocrisy going in our bank's. Yet they want us all to on line and they know that we all cannot walk on line. We need help! Where is our Prime minister? This is a disgrace!

Anonymous said...

So true just have ti be careful👹

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