Wednesday 20 December 2023

We Cannot Become Dormant over These Bank Issues!

MP Fitz Jackson

MP Fitz Jackson has placed a motion on the table in the House of Parliament. All citizens should read it. CLICK HERE to view the motion.

Other matters that are wrong with the banking system must be challenged. Citizens must unite to remove injustice from the banking system.

Jamaicans need to stand up and tell our leaders that our banks need some laws to protect consumers' rights.

Many Jamaicans have lost millions through this dormant account policy. I have asked that account holders should be allowed to have at least two contact names on their bank accounts. These persons could be contacted when the bank cannot reach the customers. Sometimes customers are old and are suffering from dementia. Their relatives and spouses are not aware of these accounts. The contact persons could be of great help in a situation where the owners of dormant bank accounts cannot be identified.

Please share this blog because this matter is of national importance. It affects all of us.


Anonymous said...

Please ask that the bank notify customers before dormant status is applied. What is the purpose of "Know Your Customer" (KYC) data if it does assist the client?

Anonymous said...

Mr Jackson is spot on, based on the motion that he has filed. However; I would not be surprised if it is more than a billion dollars. A long time this have been going on. So when the Bank's realized that people are now on them, and knowing in their hearts that they have been caught Red handed. They are now trying a new way to keep on robbing innocent citizens of their hardworking cash. One of the thing. I would love Mr. Jackson or Sir Vernon to do. Get a pitition for all those who have been scammed by malicious person's or those teller's in the bank that thing they are so smart and knowing that these scammers are stealing right in your face and then telling us. They can not do anything about it. We should report it to police. I need to ask one question. Is the money in the bank insured? That is what I really need to know right now.

Anonymous said...

He's so right on spot for I had to go through that and still is with my bank and all is out for they didn't notify me .It's so sad .

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