Sunday 18 February 2024

What's Happening - February 18, 2024

From The Weather Desk

SIGNIFICANT FEATURE: A Cold Front across the Western Caribbean.

Comment: The Cold Front now across western Cuba is expected to be west of Jamaica on Monday evening. Cloudy, windy and cool conditions are expected mainly across sections of northern parishes until Friday.

Tonight: Fair.
Tomorrow Morning: Mainly sunny. 
Tomorrow Afternoon: Mainly sunny and windy.

Local Government Election Debates A Waste of Time!

Natalie and Venesha

The local government debates have been a colossal waste of time. Both parties have turned this election into a practice campaign for the upcoming general election. That is a political decision they have taken. That does not mean that the debate organizers had to follow backa dem.

Why have six people in a debate for that time frame? The debate atmosphere was stiff, with little energy, no excitement and no substance. The men in their colonial outfits also added to the straight-jacket nature of the debate.

Many of us feel uneasy speaking the English Language, and speaking the English Language mainly added to our boredom. There were some interesting pronunciations of words.

Next time, please get the churches and the citizens' associations to organize debates among the candidates in the various divisions. The news media could then feature some of these and still make money. Fixed election dates would facilitate the planning needed for that.

I found it funny when Team JLP😅and Team PNP😅 were asked to shake hands at the end. I wondered if we were making this out to be a high school debate or a high school quiz competition. Next time, start by letting all share a drink of white rum. That would put a little spirit into this debate. You could then close off by busting a bottle of champagne. The participants could share the champagne between them.

Germaine Barrett

Finally, the head of JADE Germaine Barrett should stick to organizing the debates and leave the analysis to others. The only note-worthy thing coming out of this charade called a debate was Venesha Phillip's response to joining the JLP. Her response was classic and shows she is an astute politician. This is a person to watch

Psychological Illness Needs Attention

From my anecdotal experience, several persons' judgements are impaired due to mental issues. This is affecting people at all levels. I have had concerns about some persons in politics, the media, and the health sector.

This matter needs to be addressed urgently. Your doctor could be having mental issues and end up making bad decisions due to his or her mental challenges. The medical profession needs to look into this issue and offer help where it can. Some of your members are crying out for help.

I am aware of people with mental issues being killed because they did things and it is clear that these persons were not in charge of their mental faculties.

This Driver Got Away Because - He Was Not Speeding!

This driver got away because he was not speeding but I believe that this vehicle posed a danger to other users on the road. What do you think?



Please send your videos and pictures of the Parish Council Election campaign trail activities to 876 816-5261.


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Furniture Needed

Are you leaving the island? Do you have household items that you need to dispose of? Send me a WhatsApp message at 876 816-5261.



Anonymous said...

DWL Vernon this Bark the Truth is hilarious

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Yu an dis Hinglish Language. It is Bark Di Trute and not Bark The Truth.

Anonymous said...

The first debate was a disaster. Second one was a major improvement. Also 2 persons asking questions should be at least 4 to give more scope for varied topics. George Davis proved to be an excellent Moderator. Stafford Haughton

Anonymous said...

Well said😀

Anonymous said...

This was crazy with the truck

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