Tuesday 23 April 2024

Who Will Prosecute The Police?

The following information was sent by an On The Ground Reporter: 

This pickup is constantly parked on the sidewalk in close proximity to the New Kingston Police Station in Kingston.An obvious impediment to the safe passage able-bodied and wheel chair bound pedestrians. JCF do better than that. 22/04/24



Anonymous said...

They've been doing stunts like this for years! They drive recklessly when dropping off their wives and GFs at work/home and block traffic to go buy patties in Cross Roads... Pethapsbyou should invite the new Commish on your programme and share some of these concerns. Let him respond or promise an appropriate response to address rogue behaviour and unhealthy practices in public spaces by members of the JCF

Anonymous said...

They need to make space clear for wheelchair persons to get access😀

Anonymous said...

There is no prosecuting the police, they lie in court and not held in contempt, they stop in the middle of the road to talk and whatever they wish. They drive around with one headlight, no break light, one park light, disobey the traffic lights and this is done in full view of their colleagues who see it as a police privelege

Anonymous said...

Why you don't lobby for a proper location for the police force so they can get a proper parking space for the service vehicle where should they park it in the public parking lot when they need to respond they have to walk that far distance please

Anonymous said...

That is why they have Jamaicans For Justice, not jungle justice, because it seems like, the police have nice way, to take out, whomever they want and then say, it is self defense. Then after them finished with the their jungle justice. The people of the comments Comes out and black the road. That want justice. We need more honesty and truthful and also tactful people. To governor our policies, especially the lucky,, lucky One's. Themkeco drop no ketch. Cause them love the hype and the limelight. Just to show that them run things. Jamaica police force, really need serious help from themselves. The corruption is too muc. Them need to get rid of belly of the corruption, so we can have more effective and efficient Force. I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

They've been doing that for years, I don't think they gonna stop now

Micspen said...

The JCF just received 200 high definition cameras from South Korea.
Commissioner Blake you could use some to monitor Police Stations and its environment to reduce/eliminate obvious JCF rogue behaviour like this JCF no parking Parking.
Oh Gad man dem fi do better than that and imagine the young recruits are learning or being socialized into a FORCE4BAD or should it be a FORCE4GOOD.

Anonymous said...

Corrupt Govament Corrupt Force what else Oonu expect. How can you have a Police post without proper parking area? BTW that is Kingston city where all the power brokers, movers and shakers operate from. They pass there everyday. But guess what it’s Jamaica no problem. If that time bomb, Hazard if you wish is under the direct view of the Prime minister, Minister if National security, Commissioner and cannot be addressed now you understand why Troy Bridge and other hazards in the country will never be fixed. This Government needs to go and give another set a thieves a chance. NO TO CORRUPTION!!

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