Saturday 4 May 2024

Breaking News - Ryland Campbell is Dead

Ryland Campbell CD

The former head of Capital and Credit Financial Group, Ryland Campbell has passed on. He died this morning. He was a major player in the financial sector. Ryland was a teacher, bank executive, entrepreneur and business advisor. 

Many will recall his days at the Mico Teachers College as a student and at the University of the West Indies.

Ryland was the head of Capital and Credit Financial Group which provided a wide range of financial products and services for individuals and companies in Jamaica. He received many awards such as the Commander of Distinction from the government of Jamaica and an honourary LLD from the University of the West Indies.

He has also served as Pro Vice Chancellor for the Mico University College, Toll Regulator, and Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for the Early Childhood Commission.



Micspen said...

An innings well played Mr Campbell.

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace👹

Anonymous said...

RIP Ryland. I remember him from Workers Bank.

Anonymous said...

Blessings of eternal life upon him

Penny Watson said...

RIP my brother, you played your innings well, you've left a great legacy for others to emulate.

Anonymous said...

I knew him as a high order professional. He was a storyteller. He was sharp. He was deliberate with his actions and cared a lot for Jamaica. He was and will remain in my mind as a good Jamaican who always had time for me, a nobody at the time. Rest in peace, friend.

Anonymous said...

I knew him as a wonderful human being, always caring and took the time out of his busy schedule to procure copies of an award my son received at a tennis tournament sponsored by CCMB. Always a gentleman. RIP.

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