Sunday 19 May 2024

Bring Back Labour Day - Wi Need it Now

Is it just me, or have many Jamaicans lost interest in what used to be the cherished Labour Day in May?

Labour Day has become just another date on the calendar, a time for Jamaicans to hit the beach, party, and end the day with a big concert courtesy of the Ministry of Culture. What happened to the days when both uptown and downtown communities would come together to plan and execute projects aimed at creating cleaner and better-looking environments? I used to spearhead Labour Day clean-up projects, but these days, no one seems interested.

Having been away from Jamaica for various periods over the years, I’ve returned to find a Jamaica where people don’t even seem to care if their communities are clean or filthy. Just a few nights ago, I was horrified to hear the sound of bottles being emptied into the gully behind our complex in an uptown middle-class area adjacent to an inner-city community notorious for its crime and violence.

Upon investigating, I saw a man hauling a drum load of garbage, which he dutifully emptied into the gully at the intersection of the road. Despite being called out by another resident, he disregarded the complaint and completed his task of dumping garbage in a gully meant to handle overflow water during heavy rainfalls.

Jamaica needs Labour Day activities now more than ever. The place has become a dumping ground in many areas, and people just don’t seem to care as long as the garbage doesn’t end up at their doorstep. Many seem to believe that as long as they can step over the garbage and enter their apartment or house, everything is fine.

When common areas in a complex are painted or repaired, there’s no sense of gratitude. No one says thanks or shows any interest that a fresh coat of paint has enhanced their space.

People, the government alone cannot revive the spirit of Labour Day. Show some civic pride. On May 23, get out and clean up the garbage at your door or your neighbour’s door because that reflects on you as well. Let’s work together for a cleaner, more hygienic Jamaica. Remember, COVID is still with us, and it has brought some of its relatives to enjoy the swing.

Lois Grant 

Lois Grant, JP, MA, BA (Hons), Dip Mass Comm, Cert. Broadcast Journalism BBC- London, is a powerhouse in communications. Co-founding Innercity Promotions, she transformed dance hall music branding. Grant later founded Corporate Image Communications and Productions, organizing innovative events for top brands. Her influence extends to shaping political landscapes across three Caribbean islands, including her tenure as Director of Communications in the Office of the Prime Minister (2007-2013) in Jamaica. Now retired, she consults for prestigious entities like NBC Sports and as a travel influencer.

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