Monday 27 May 2024

If These Children are The Future, The Future Looks Bleak

On Saturday, May 25, 2023, while walking in Tropical Plaza, I heard a noisy set of young people with a few adults. A security guard was trying to explain to them that they were blocking the entrance of the Dicigel. It was clear that no giard bwoy cannot talk to dem. The youngsters were soliciting funds from persons in the plaza for a project.

I told the adults that it is not a good practice to have children begging on the street and this could be regarded as an abuse of these young children. Having lived on this planet long enough, Children face possible dangers while soliciting funds. I would certainly not allow anyone to have my child begging on the street. One could be exposing these young girls and boys to those sexual predators on our streets.

I spoke to one of the male adults in the group and told him that they should not have these children begging on the street I was uncomfortable with the interaction the children were having with the security guard. The male adult in the group turned to me flashing his hands all over the place and speaking with a slight lisp, and in an effeminate manner, objected to my interference. Men and women were lined up at the ABM nearby, waiting to do business. The first lady in the line I tried to engage to get her support, was upset that I was interfering with these begging children. 

I indicated to the group that I would call the police. They were not the least perturbed. While I was there the police did not turn up.

I spoke to a vendor in a plaza next door where I saw more children begging. She indicated that she had a relative in the group who was also soliciting funds. She told me that a few girls in the group attend the Merl Grove High School, located off Constant Spring Road in Kingston.

I walked away, feeling very down for my country. I was the only one who saw something wrong with kids begging in the plazas. Who cares? Where are the parents? They are probably happy to get rid of these children in the plazas begging.

These are our children, they have no respect for adults, and they have not been properly socialized - they are the future - God help us!

This is the flyer that the children were using while begging.


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Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that. 


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Anonymous said...

We have become desensitized to a lot of things that aren't kosher. Wrong is now right and right is now wrong. No wonder our country is as it is. Those who are to provide guidance were not taught much themselves & they genuinely don't know better. There is no such thing as home training anymore.

Anonymous said...

I was not there, but maybe it was your approach that provoked their ire. Some times you can come across a bit snubby bro.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

I try not to respond to all comments but this is not about me. This is about our children being exposed to danger by being used to dangers begging on the street. How does my snubby personality come into this? I am surprised that you are concerned about their ire and me being snubby rather than being concerned about the young kids. By the way, do you mean snubby or snobby?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how to respond, I remember when my kids were in high school we organized an annual fund raising 'Walk-a-thon', we were not 'begging' money, we asked for contributions and we raised a decent sum to fuel projects at the school. Of course parents and teachers participated helping to maintain order and keep an eye on the students. Is that exercise now unacceptable? Is that what we are insinuating? I'm aware that things and times have changed and covid has changed our lives forever and honestly the behavior of some of our students would make one think twice but I don't think it's totally out of the question.

Anonymous said...

In this day and age it is very unwise to have your children begging strangers who sometimes will abuse them. Let the adults go and beg. Do not use the children.

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