Saturday 4 May 2024

Mark Golding In Miami

Mark Golding with Alexandria Davis - 
Commissioner and Deputy Mayor of Miramar

Mark Golding and his wife hit Jamaica 21 (Miami) this weekend. No details have been given about this trip but more than likely the support of the diaspora will be sought for the upcoming national elections in Jamaica. The election is due in 2025.



Anonymous said...

Ok he is greeting with other Jamaicans overseas👹

Anonymous said...

Mark is strategic....he reminds me of Michael Manley.

Micspen said...

This Jewish Jamaican seems destined to become the top man in Jamaica.
Hope he dissassociates himself from the Genocidal Netanyahu who is doing more harm than good to Israel.

Is Biden as President of the USA a lame duck who Netanyahu can afford to ignore and get away with it while the Palestinian Mother's and children are killed by contrived food insufficiency,bullets and bombs.

Is Biden about hand the USA presidency over to The Donald even from behind "Whitehouse prison bars".
We couldn't make this up.

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