Wednesday 22 May 2024

Update On Mona High School and St. James High School.

Minister of Education, Fayval Williams.

Recently I wrote a few blogs about challenges at the Mona High School in Kingston and the St James High School in Montego Bay. Ministry of Education officers got hold of the blog. The blog is being widely circulated among students, parents and teachers.

Sources have informed me that Minister Fayval Williams plans to appoint a new board at the Mona High School. Members of the previous board resigned. I understand that some persons have used the opportunity to have the school pay for some of these expenditures. These expenditures must have caught the eyes of the Ministry officials.

I have been informed by a source that the Ministry of Education has taken charge and expenditures have to be approved by the Education Ministry first. It is reported that people spent funds and then requested payments. 

The Principal of St. James High continues to stand strong. He is facing some powerhouse leaders in the community. It seems that his history of turning around the school has given him some awesome power which has not gone down well with some community leaders.

One person said that some expansions are planned for the school. Additional classrooms are to be built. Do I smell  a rat?

Click to read an article by a past teacher, past board member and a journalist.



Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that.


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Anonymous said...

I understand and appreciate the concept of gentle persuasion to remove troubled students because often, a change of environment can change behavior. However, we all seem to want to make a villian of Mr Williams without appreciating the value to the girls of not being put through the formality of expulsion and creating a record and the parents being asked to find another school for their daughters. We should remember too that one of the girls was removed from another school and placed at St James High School. Have we ever considered why? Is she a transporter of poor behavior? Are their other misbehavior in their background giving merit to the actions of the principal? We need to stand away from the personality of the principal and evaluate the situation objectively because there are many unanswered questions.

Anonymous said...

I concur

Anonymous said...

We need to increase the volume of our voices and share the blog with others. Satan has become a star in Jamaica.

Anonymous said...

These schools have ceo that dictate to the ministry
Looks like Mona have friends in high places that pull strings
Ministry can't touch them

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