Sunday 2 June 2024

Breaking News - The ANC Party in South Africa No Longer Enjoys Majority Support after 30 Years

Cyril Ramaphosa and Jacob Suma

The ANC (African National Congress) the party led by Nelson Mandela in the past, has lost significant support in South Africa. The next government is set to be a coalition government and this possibility could put South Africa on an unstable political ground.

President Cyril Ramaphosa is still the President of the ANC but there could be changes to the leadership of the ANC soon.

Reports from South Africa indicate that the ANC won 159 of the 400 seats in the National Assembly. The ANC has lost the majority for the first time since the apartheid system was abolished in South Africa.

Former President of the ANC Jacob Zuma's party uMkhonto we Sizwe Party (MK)has garnered significant support at the expense of the ANC support.


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