Sunday 16 June 2024

Father's Day - The Happy Side, The Sad Side.

Vernon Derby
Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers. The mothers and your children will help you celebrate this special day. Thanks to all those who have reached out to me on Father's Day. You have transformed my sad day into one of the greatest days of my life. I have responded to most of you and I have been motivated to put this post together, especially for those I have not been able to reply to.

Over the years, this day was not given enough attention. I have always heard about Mother's Day but not Father's Day. My checks have revealed that the first Mother's Day as we know it today was celebrated in 1920. This move to celebrate Mother's Day was spearheaded by  Anna Jarvis in the United States to celebrate, her mother's work as a peace activist. This motivated  Sonora Smart Dodd, who wanted to honour her father, William Jackson Smart, a Civil War veteran and single parent who raised his six children. Inspired by the idea of Mother's Day, she proposed a similar holiday to recognize fathers.

Today is a happy day for some fathers, some of whom have had a great family life. They can sit back, relax and absorb the love. Let's do our best for our fathers today and every day. They will appreciate wholeheartedly the appreciation and love shown. They cannot do so after they have died.

On the other hand, today is a sad day for many of us. My father died when I was about three years old and I remember seeing him on the bed, a young man just about to leave this world. His best friend Viv Russel had to use his car to take him from Lowe River to Ulster Spring Hospital in Trelawny. You can just imagine the journey over those rough rocky roads. Viv Russell's car which once served as my father's ambulance was transformed into a hearse. For those who have lost their fathers, please continue to be strong.

Some do not know their father and go through life with a weight on their head trying to find their father. Do not give up. Send me a WhatsApp message with pictures of your father and other family members, to 876 816-5261. I will assist you as best as I can to locate your father.

There are also the sad cases of persons being fathered only to find out subsequently that their father is not their father. One beautiful lady I know would not turn her back on the man she grew up believing was her father and she ended up having two fathers.

Others are no longer in communication with their fathers because of family separations. I encourage mothers not to turn children against their fathers. You will end up hurting your children for life. Teach your children love and they will show love to you and the world.

The day is coming to a close and I encourage you to reach out to all fathers. Reach out to those like myself who are no longer in touch with their children. I hope one day, my children will realize how much I love and care for them, and the sacrifices I made for them.

Life promises us nothing so live it to the fullest, change what we can and leave what we cannot change alone. Let's continue to honour love and respect fathers every day of the year. We have men and women, mothers and fathers - they are both important for life.

Happy Father's Day to all the brothers. Remember that you don't have to have a biological child to be a father, you can adopt. If you cannot adopt children legally then you can reach out to some and be a father to them. Many need that father figure. 

I welcome your comments and also your stories. Add them at the bottom of this article. Walk good my friend.





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Tomlin said...

Very good blog Vernon. Happy Father's Day

Anonymous said...

Some fathers are more crosses than pleasure!! Ughhhh!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day! Blessings

Everett Smith said...

Vernon, as I read your Father's Day message today, I can't help but reflect on Father's Days of the past that I have celebrated, as well as today. More importantly, I felt compelled to reminisce and reflect on my forefathers—my father, my grandfathers—and just how wonderful they were. Their hard work, sacrifice, and love showed us the way, teaching by example how to be the fathers we are today. I reflect on today not just as a Father's Day for me, but I accept the Father's Day greetings on behalf of my father and grandfathers who have gone before me.

Anonymous said...

From your foundation fren. Bless you Vernon, the live you exude is enough. For me Father's Day is sad. I miss my Dad. . Keep celebrating the love you have for your father and that which you have for your children. You are blessed and loved.

Vernon Derby said...

Thanks my foundation fren.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine told me that his brother died. After the funeral the children found out that his behavior was to protect them from their mothers ignorance. The children wanted atarted to despise their mother. He eventually told them that cursing their mother was not the way to go. . He told me that after explaining to them the ignorance that destroyed his relationship with them they forgave her and move on. They are a lot of stories like this. I experienced it also.

So those women who practice this type ofbehavior needtothinkaboutwhatcausesthemtobehavethatway. The bible states that women must have respect for their husband.

Anonymous said...

So very well said. Regardless of the relationship between parents, alienating one parent from the children only hurt the children in the long run.

Anonymous said...

Love this message, happy happy Father's day to you and all Father's out there who are fathering keep on doing the rewards are great, my father turned his bad on I when I was 14 because of a woman, didn't and wouldn't even speak with I for years,until the woman passed, that's when he reached out to I, he got sick and pass and I only helped him because I remembered him as a good father to me before that woman came around, luckily I'm a person who never forget kindness, else he would be on his own

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