Tuesday 18 June 2024

Has Kingsley Cooper Died???

Kingsley Cooper

I got a report recently that businessman Kingsley Cooper was seriously ill. He has made fashion his business and has helped a few Jamaican talents to become international models. Kingsley is chairman of Pulse Investments.

I have just received word from a usually reliable source that Kingsley Cooper has passed on. I cannot confirm this from family members. At least one family member was upset that Bark Di Trute published a few days ago, that Kingsley Cooper was seriously ill! I have known Kingsley Cooper since he was living across the road from me in Norman Gardens, Kingston. That is over forty years! I had called the family out of concern and not to get information about his illness. That information was already world news.

Friends and families should understand that those of us who live a public life cannot be sick and die privately. Members of the public out of concern and love for such outstanding persons, are interested in their well-being.

Sickness and death have no respect for anyone and friends and relatives should not be ashamed when a relative or friend is ill. What is there to hide especially for public figures. It is best to be open and minimize the speculations.

Sometimes we have our challenges, if only we shared them with the right persons we would still be alive. I shared my challenges with others who gave me good advice. I did not act swiftly - I went close to packing my bags and leaving this world earlier.

Those who have ears to hear, let them hear, have eyes to see let them see. If yu hear and deaf, see and blind den God help yu!

More Reading

Kingsley Cooper seriously ill.

Note: Various media houses are now reporting that Kingsley Cooper has died.

Household helper needed. 


Be a part of a group and get emergency information first.


Anonymous said...

Well said Mr Derby! We the public needs to know what's happening to those public figures that we so highly respect and love so at the very least we can pray.
'More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of'.
I pray he is still with us 🙏 ❤️

Anonymous said...

Oh no. That would be a tremendous loss for Jamaica.

Micspen said...

Is the Dancehall Professor Carolyn his sister.
Regardless condolences to his family,friends, business associates and Pulse.

Micspen said...

Well if is rumor being spread and pulse rate is even 75 the family and all of us would be happy.

Anonymous said...

My sincere condolences to the family of Mr. Cooper.
We are loving and caring people, despite what is happening in society. So today, all we want to do collectively is to wrap our arms around Mr. Cooper's family comforting them as they experience the loss of a loved one.

Anonymous said...

Sincere condolences to his family, collegues and friends. May his soul rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Condolence to his family & friends 👹

Anonymous said...

Saw a post from Mark Golding offering condolences.

May his soul RIEP.

Anonymous said...

I usually respect your views however I don't think it is anyone's perogative to go where you have gone in this instance my brother. People grieve diffently and have diverse family situations so just thinking it may be better to allow them in their own time to handle such situations even if in the public's eyes they don't get it right

Anonymous said...

He led the way in Jamaica's fashion industry. May his soul rest in peace. Condolences to the family

Anonymous said...

Sometimes these families tend to forget where these 'icons ' are coming from and must be grateful to God that Jamaican people are a loving and caring people. May he find peace.

Anonymous said...

Condolences to the Family of Kingsley Cooper. He will be greatly missed. May he RIEP.

It is always best to consult with the Family before releasing Information of Illness and Death through the Media. (Whether Public Figure or Not)

The Family may want to advise all Relatives of the Situation before going Public.

Consult & Verify with Family first.

Why the Rush with Unverified Unauthorised by Family
Breaking Bad News.
Lawd Man.........

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

I did all my checks and I knew Kingsley had died. I was just allowing the family to announce it. With social media things go around the world a few times before announcements are made. People will have to get used to the idea that public figures are known, and that there is nothing one can do when information is known. Out of courtesy, I waited to ensure that close family members were informed but thank the Lord we have freedom of the press.

Someone's death is not a secret matter. Actually, it is dangerous for people to conceal death and circumstances surrounding one's death. There is a case in court now relating to an interesting matter involving the death of a wife. Social media helped to bring certain things to life which piqued public interest.

Many who make it big do so because of public support and when they die some families want to cut out the public. One international star was in a group with us and the family members removed him from the group. That is ridiculous. There is a musician who now has mental issues and family members don't even want members of the music fraternity to visit him!

In some cases, family members only turn up when another family member dies. They were not even close to the dead relative.

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