Saturday 15 June 2024

Is NSWMA Under Attack? Are They Sabotaging The Organization?

Someone sent me a picture of garbage strewn on the sidewalk leading to the Norman Manley International Airport. I have a picture of a dead cow on the sidewalk of Washington Boulevard in Kingston. 

Is it possible that people are dumping things to make it appear the National Solid Waste Management Authority is not working?

It does not matter how stupid we are, we must learn that damaging the image of our country or doing any damage to the infrastructure is an attack on all of us.

We must keep an eye out for these people because we cannot allow them to destroy our country in the name of politricks or vengeance against an organization. 





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Anonymous said...

Long run short ketch...these people are fools to think that is only humans them hurting..cleanliness is next to Godliness and KARMA is Jamaica and they have no pride and interest in this beautiful Country that God has blessed us with. Shame on them all.

Anonymous said...

So wherever fools dump garbage we think it's politics or nastiness?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, it's a combination of both. These days, people are doing everything and anything to gain political mileage at the expense of a positive perception of our communities and how we live. They do not understand that garbage thrown carelessly about tell much about the prople in the community, not the state agency doing the collection or the government.

Anonymous said...

Those who plan never do, and those who do cannot plan!

Anonymous said...

That type of dumpling is very different from the careless throwing of an empty Lunch box from a moving vehicle . This was well planned in advance! It took several minutes to complete..Don't asked me why they did it, but the mátter can be easily stopped. Everybody has a call Phone. Take a photo and sendero to NSWMA. Matter of fact NSWMA could be like crime stop and offer a reward to the public. Better you litteeing is stopped in no time!

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