Monday 17 June 2024

Is The Police Arresting the Civilian or Vice Versa!!!


When yu bad yu drape up any police!

The video below this article cannot be real! This civilian feels she is so powerful that she can take the fight to the police officers. 

I am concerned that the police officer is putting herself at risk by engaging this woman like that. A baton should be used to disable the offender or pepper spray should be used.

This civilian should learn that we can fight for our rights and end up being dead right. Fight for your rights in a court of law, not with the police on the street.

Based on what I heard in the video, the lady visited the school and was being removed from the compound by the police. No person should be allowed on a school compound without authorization from the administration. We should have major penalties for people who go on a school compound without proper authorization.

We need strict laws and order to be enforced in this country. This should apply to everyone - from the Governor General to the newborn.

I am anxious to hear my Bark Di Trute reader's opinions Please add your comments to this blog.




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Anonymous said...

This is the level of indiscipline in our society. She is going to be charged then she gets a slap on the wrist pay her meagre fine and continue her journey of being indiscipline. Our laws need teeth. Tougher penalties for minor offences. We need to take a zero tolerance approach to these infractions. The mere presence of the Police should be acknowledged .

Anonymous said...

No wonder the children are so hostile and confrontational; just look at the behavior of this adult.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for this cop...she got little assistance from her colleague who did not take charge of the situation....this could have gone very ugly as emotions were very high and the inadequate training of the police was exposed. Look at the utility vehicle that is being used to make an arrest....the fact is the jamaican female is morphing into a scary hybrid type of criminal..

Anonymous said...

Why wasn't the woman handcuffed?

Micspen said...

This incident is heartbreaking both women are a disaster.
Professionalism is lacking.

Anonymous said...

Incident is heartbreaking as it could have been worse as a death could have occurred.

Anonymous said...

Oh God and her child is watching and begging mommy to cooperate go in the vehicle.
Female cops are the worst to deal with.
A male would not get to that stage.
Fulling up the JCF with women is a disaster that's bound to backfire,mark my word.
I saw some even look like they are bleaching out.
The other day I saw some TIC Tok ones.
All they good for is Issuing taxation tickets to motorists.
I would wish I didn't have to drive,bring on the busses so I don't have anything to do with JCF police on a whole and those women will just tek set pon yuh,dem haaaad yuh see Missa D.

Anonymous said...

Neither of the 2 officers had a pair of handcuffs. Why? The male officer could have offered more assistance.

Anonymous said...

We thrive off drama enuh. Just comply and complain after. This could have ended badly.

Anonymous said...

This incident is a sad reflection of the illiteracy created by donkeys years of a failed education system. The mother has exhausted her abilities to think and is employing the only skill left in her box of tools to achieve whatever was her reason for going to her daughter's school. With so many such Jamaican parents being created by the education system, is there a Social Worker or Psychologist assigned to any of the Police Stations in that Parish who could have been deployed with the Police to address her issue in a calm and non-threatening manner to result in of which Jamaicans could be proud? Likely no. The ugly scene creates excitement and makes news that is like tonic to our lust to see victims of the school system get their indisciplined butts thrown into the back of a Police vehicle so readers can criticize and blame one for being foolish and the other for being untrained and using excessive force.
This is an opportunity to employ differently skilled professionals who can go to the scene with their first words being "Sir/Ma'am, how can I help you today? Let's sit over here and talk." Mother would feel safe, daughter would not be ashamed and scarred for life, and persons on this Blog woukd be wondering where has all the indisciplined people gone.

Anonymous said...

___to result in an outcome of which Jamaicans___

Anonymous said...

Very shameful on behalf of this parent . This is why the children in the society are the way they are. I hope the full blunt of the law is thrown at her , there is absolutely no way you can attack the police like this , even damaging the property of the government (uniform) .
I am so disappointed in the police they should have used other means like pepper spray to control the situation.

Anonymous said...

So what happen to the other police officers to help their college😁

Anonymous said...

Training of officers in Jamaica needs urgent attention. What about pain compliance? What about taking the person to the ground and handcuffing them? What took the male officer so long to back up his partner?

Anonymous said...

Where are the handcuffs? What kinda stupidity is this? Were these cops under my command I would recommend they be sent to training school for reeducation and to learn self-defense and de-escalation techniques!

Anonymous said...

More training is needed for the police in such situations. No handcuffs?
Why was the apparent Police "Partner" Officer not more helpful?
Not a comforting situation regarding the expected professional behaviour of our Police Officers.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I keep saying that we have a problem with values in this country. People no longer benefit from proper home training. Wrong is now right, and what is right is seen as wrong. She clearly doesn't know right from wrong. What can she teach her child? Poor parenting is Jamaica's BIGGEST problem. Her child must be embarrassed to have other students witness this. She has no shame. Another thing, why was she not handcuffed? This is the reason why that officer died while transporting that murderous pastor. His hands were free to cause an accident. Similarly, this woman's hands were free to assault the officer.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be none available at that moment.

Anonymous said...

If she had just comply and then she would not be in such a situation and if she had explain herself properly. She would never be in such a situation. I hope we learn to de-escalation method to avoid these types of dumb behavior. This was totally unnecessary based on what am seeing. I would have loved to see what really lead to this type of confrontation. I got to be very honest, the policies have come a very long way. If it was one time. That could never happened. I pray that this will send a very serious message to our citizens of Jamaica. You can have your rights in your ✋ and just dash it away. Without even knowing it🤔.

Anonymous said...

V, as always you are appreciated for bringing these issues to the general public, why on earth this cop has no handcuffs and why was that useless male cop not able to help , this sends a very bad message to the criminals that the cops have no power, my heart goes out to that female cop

Anonymous said...

This situation defines our state of affairs exactly. A poorly trained and ill-equipped police force (they obviously had no hand cuffs or technique). Imagine 3 police of generous brawn could not subdue one brawny woman without the use of the gun. If it were elsewhere and night, ambulance and or hearse would possibly feature in the news!!
On the other hand, the society is overrun by socially mal-adjusted people (poor social norms etc.)
The combination of those two scenarios: poorly equipped police and a high quotient of maladjusted folk, breed.situations like this.
Police cannot fight crime...crime strategy can and that is what is lacking. We have to produce socially well adjusted people.
By the way, a school is a public place!!!

Anonymous said...

Wish we had see what transpired before all this, but lady you can't fight the law,you should not try it , now you're reputation is tarnished your suppose to feel embarrassed. I've noticed our officers doesn't operate as if they were taught properly on how to make an arrest and what measures can be used to carry out one.if I was a officer the first thing I would do if someone is resisting arrest is to fall that person, is that doesn't work and I have pepper spray or tazer I will be using it if you don't comply, the officer put there now a days are coming off as weak and a push over, I've seen many videos. Something needs to be done.

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