Thursday 27 June 2024

Minister Tufton Talks Health on SpotOn With Vernon Derby

Dr. Christopher Tufton - Minister of Health and Wellness

On Thursday, June 27, I talked with Minister Christopher Tufton and he shared some of the good things that are happening in the health sector, he mentioned the challenges and plans for the future. First, I asked him to update us on his health. He had what could have been a fatal accident recently.

The Minister started by telling me about the good things happening in the health sector.

I had more questions for the Minister and realized that some things are already in place but more can be done. There is a need for improved communication so people can understand what good things are happening in that sector, what developments are taking place, how the challenges are being dealt with and how citizens can help to reduce the burden on the health sector.  

The Minister was impressed with the support from the diaspora to the health sector.

More developments are coming says the Minister.  Why do foreigners pay the same low fees to access our medical facilities?

I hope to have the Minister for Part II next week. Add your questions and express your concerns below and I will put these to the Minister is back on the programme.


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Deadline June 27, 1000 EST


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