Thursday 20 June 2024

SpotOn With Vernon Derby - Leading Programme for Consumer Information

Nsizwe Stewart

Nsizwe Stewart joined Grant, Henry & Rhooms in March 2023, and is an associate in the Firm’s Corporate & Commercial, and Property & Real Estate practices.

She is a lawyer and a talented singer who loves the media. Nsizwe Stewart makes her debut on SpotOn With Vernon Derby on Friday, June 21, 2023, during Real Estate Matters. Join us and learn more about real estate matters. SpotOn is aired on KLAS FM from 1000 to 1100 EST, Monday to Friday each week.

She attained her Bachelor of Laws from the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados in 2020, and her Legal Education Certificate from the Norman Manley Law School, Jamaica, in 2022. 

I also heard that she sings. She will display her legal knowledge, but If l have my way she will display her vocal talents also.

Radcliff Lewis

The former head of the police's traffic unit retired Senior Superintendent Radcliffe Lewis will join me for Talk Yu Talk. Radcliff is known to be someone who does not mince words. He tells you as he sees it. He will be talking with me about the high level of indiscipline on our roads. Is the problem just a police matter? What do you think? What does Radcliff think?

You can start now by adding your comments below. Note that your comments will be circulated to our political leaders and other leaders. Bark Di Trute is one way to make sure your voice is heard.

Household helper needed. 



Be a part of a group and get emergency information first.


Anonymous said...

Excellent line up of guests. It’s a don’t miss

Ian said...

Bad driving or the challenges that exist with drivers is just a part of our cultural challenges that we having in this country one should not be able to obtain a drivers license so easily in this country it should be done in 3 stages first you need a learners permit then after going through the various aspects of gaining knowledge about the road code and the basics principles of driving then you move the a drivers permit that will allow you to drive alone but within a certain speed limit and cc you have to stage within that stage for at least 5 yrs then you go and do your driving test to aquire a drivers license which would be defensive driving and how to do vehicle monouvering if you ask a lot of these drivers what's the first thing you do when you go into a car a bet you most of them will not know.

Anonymous said...

This is a branch from the deep-seated problems of selfishness, greed, corruption, political tribalism etc. resulting from the wrong values and attitudes such as those who steal community projects for their churches to make money and draw flocks.

Proper parenting, Civics in school, honest role models with integrity, the empowerment of community leaders who genuinely wants a good community are some of the places to start.
Too many square pegs in round holes, etc.

Anonymous said...

Great line up. Radcliff Lewis is someone much respected by the public because of his no-nonsence approach.

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