Saturday 22 June 2024

What's Happening - Saturday, June 22, 2024

 Accident on Mandela Highway

There was a motor vehicle accident on the Mandela Highway. This was reported to me by an On The Ground Reporter. No details were given. Are you aware of this accident? WhatsApp your information to 876 816-5261.

Reader Writes about Esperanza Forbes

Espe is the third from the left kneeling in the front row, I am the 6th from the left back row (standing) I was the Captain. Thanks to our dear beloved Keith Brown, then PR Manager of Alpart, May His Soul Rest In Peace. An exemplary individual who exposed us to international standards as we hosted even the English Netball team at Alpart !


GM Mr Derby, Jamaica has lost one of our greatest female sports icons, a great all-rounder, Esperanza Forbes. Espe as she was affectionately called,  played all the sports you can think of, netball, cricket, a great swimmer and more than all football, she was the "first female football referee in Jamaica and the Americas"   

Espe as she was affectionately called was a great netballer too and played on the Alpart combined team while I was Captain in the 70's and beyond. She was very instrumental as the Goal Shooter of our team winning, which allowed us to win many matches including giving the Caymanian team in October of 1979 a fine "beating". I was told then as the Captain,  that they were unbeaten for quite a while but we changed that!! 

She was indeed a great human being;  her memories will live on for generations to come! Sending you also picture of the team that played the Caymanian team during their Pirates Week celebration in October 1979.

Contributed by

Fonceica Watson

Civil Aviation Authority Resignation

Retired Lt. Col. Oscar Derby has resigned as the Chairman of the Civil Aviation Authority. Many of you will know that I am related to Oscar Derby, but he is not a man to give out information like that. I was shocked when I heard the news last night that he had resigned.

Oscar Derby should let us know why he has resigned. Failure to be open will set tongues wagging if there is a hint of something unusual. There is nothing sweeter than a juicy piece of gossip. The silly season is fast approaching so expect anything.

We have lost Air Jamaica which should never have happened. Air Jamaica allowed ordinary Jamaicans to reach world standards in acquiring certain skills and earning reasonable salaries. We cannot afford to tinker with the CAA because this has international implications.

Meteorological Office

The hurricane season is here. Are we prepared? Many of us do not have the resources to prepare so we just have to try our best. We must ensure that we prune out trees.

Are our radar systems up and running.

Theft of Electricity

The government has no option but to work with the JPSCo and deal with the electricity theft. The situation is at a crisis stage.

I got a report that a lady who pays her bill now has a bill of JAD40,000 which she can not pay. Her neighbours made connections to her electricity connection which has sent her bill sky high.

The rest of us need to add your comments to this blog and call on the government to act now to deal with electricity theft.




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jamaicalifemedia said...

I have a different view about Air Jamaica, one that even causes arguments with my own family members. If memory serves me correctly Air Jamaica was sold by the Bruce Golding administration, on the recommendation of the IMF, at a time when it was costing the government US$10 million per year in debt.
So while many ordinary Jamaicans benefitted from doing business through Air Jamaica, many even poorer Jamaicans were suffering further from the government being more indebted each year. The sale of Air Jamaica was a tough decision but one that benefitted the country in the long run.

Anonymous said...

I was proud of our national airline and understand the econims but still wish we could have kept it

Anonymous said...

The Jamaican economy has developed significantly since those days of Air Jamaica. The number of people traveling to Jamaica is at a record high. Perhaps we can at least study whether the country would benefit from a new national carrier. I assume the name Air Jamaica was sold to Caribbean Airlines so that name may no longer be available. However, we can always use Jamaica Airways or Jamaican Airlines or something similar.

Anonymous said...

The problem with electricity theft, as with all other ills of the Jamaican society is that we allow things to fester and we take no action. We all act as if we are impotent in the face of disorder and indiscipline. We surrender our freedom to the lawless and literally hand over power to them. We empower and enable criminal behaviour simply by not taking action. Lawlessness has been allowed to become ingrained so that what is wrong is now regarded as right and what is right is viewed as wrong. Tiefing electricity, water, other people's land, farm produce and bank savings is now commonplace in Jamaica. "Evil continues when good people do nothing" is a famous quote that's applicable to Jamaica. Also, the Bible says that, "When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, the people's hearts are filled with schemes to do wrong" (Ecclesiastes 8:11). This is what has happened to Jamaica.

Anonymous said...

You’re so right about turning a blind eye to crime. Petty crimes such as throwing the party bag on the street without punishment for littering leads to general indiscipline in our country. Just look at the markets in Jamaica! You can buy two pieces of plywood and four post and build a home literally in the middle of the road with no repercussions from the parish council. Just look at the street vendors who have taken over St. James Street in Montego Bay.

Anonymous said...

I really hope they will try and regulariise those who are not, I have payed some humongous bills over the years that I know I shouldn't have, but was forced to, because I have no other choice

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