Friday 2 August 2024

Hang Them - Man Offers to Do It forFree.

Barry Williams Writes:

Hi Vernon. Congratulations on your EXCELLENT investigative journalism to date. This is Barry Williams. We went to CAST together in the 70's. Now Vernon I would like you to use Bark Di Truth to find out why Jamaica has stopped executing convicted murders and instead is giving them sentences of Life Imprisonment. Are the Jamaican Authorities wiser than God? The Bible clearly states that the person who commits murder should be executed once found guilty in a court of law.  

Some people misquote the Bible and counter with the argument that Jesus said we should forgive murderers. This is an asinine statement. In Matthew chs. 5 _7 where Jesus speaks about the law of forgiveness he is speaking about the relationship between two people _ one who has wronged the other. He is not speaking about a convicted murderer. Some people say executing murders is based on Old Testament Scripture. But I point them to the New Testament Scripture in Hebrews ch 13 which states that we should abide by the law of the land because the Governmental Authorities "do not bear the sword in vain". In other words, it is their responsibility to execute convicted murderers. Further, the Bible also states that for every convicted murderer that is not executed, a fresh curse comes on Jamaica as the blood of the murdered victim is crying from the earth for JUSTICE. 

To date, there are thousands of convicted murderers in Jamaica who are not scheduled to be executed. Can you imagine the amount of curses that are on the land!!!! ?? I did some personal research and discovered that England was the first country to abolish the death penalty based on the fact that they discovered after the fact that they had executed an innocent man some years ago. I say that this does not justify the abolition of the death penalty, because if the court conducted its business according to the scriptures ("in the mouth of two or 3 witnesses shall any matter be established) they would not have executed the wrong man. 

I investigated further and found that Jamaica is a signatory to a treaty with the UN which is against the death penalty. If Jamaica re-institutes the death penalty, it stands to lose millions of dollars in international aid support. I believe that this is the main reason why Jamaica has abolished the death penalty. Have you ever wondered what the daily routine of the murderers who are in prison for life? As far as I am concerned they are just sitting around every day growing fat and using up my tax player's money. I SAY "HANG ALL OF THEM HIGH" "CLEAR OUT DEATH ROW" "I WILL DO THE WORK OF THE HANGMAN FREE OF CHARGE". Vernon, please make the findings of your research public. Thanks.

Written by

Barry Williams

Barry Williams

Barry Williams.  was born on November 29, 1954, in the little village of Rennock Lodge, Rockfort in  East Kingston.  Since  my birth and up to the present, Rockfort has been associated with crime and violence

Guided by his parents, became a born-again Christian at age 15. That new decision for Christ served to literally save me from death.



I have been assisting persons here in Jamaica and overseas for over 30 years. voluntarily. Your support can help me to continue the work which requires hours of dedicated work and using my own resources. Thanks to those who have offered to assist so far.

Send me a WhatsApp message to (876) 816-5261 if you want to use a different method to contribute.
I have been assisting persons here in Jamaica and overseas for over 30 years now voluntarily. Your support can help me to continue the work which requires hours of dedicated work and using my own resources. Thanks to those who have offered to assist so far.Thanks. 

 Vernon L. Derby



Anonymous said...

Mr Barry I agree with you 100% from you kill somebody you must be kill as long as it is not self defense and a bet if they start do this we will have less killing

Micspen said...

The death penalty has not been abolished in Jamaica.

I believe the govaments have pandering to criminals.

The last two hangings took place under the Edward Seaga led government in 1988.
That year we had 414 murders.
Two brothers hung from the Bethel Town Police Division in Westmoreland.

It was 2002 we hit and crossed the thousand line with 1045.Since that we have not looked back.

I happened to know the murdered man we called him Busta.
Today Jamaica is the most murderous country in the world.

Once we stopped hanging, murders escalated rapidly.Jamaica celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2022 with 1498 murders.

The year of Independence 1962 there were 63 murders.

I hear talk of becoming a Republic we should
perhaps be clamouring for a return to colonial decency,good manners and civility.

For a start why not OUTLAW MURDER MUSIC as subversive literature.Now Murder and Murderers are celebrated in communities like national heroes.

Wake up Jamaicans take a living stand before we are all dead.

Anonymous said...

This is the most depressing article I have read since this blog was launched!

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