Friday 30 August 2024

Time For a Change - The PNP/JLP and/or the People? Better Must Come!

PM Holness and Opposition Leader Golding

As national elections draw closer, both major political parties have important decisions to make about their candidates. The leadership of the PNP appears stable for now, with no immediate challenges on the horizon. However, if the PNP loses the upcoming elections, the Golding-Bunting faction could fade away. Meanwhile, there is a quiet but steady rise in support for Lisa Hanna. She may currently seem like a minor disturbance, but there is potential for her to become a significant force, possibly mirroring a political phenomenon like Kamala Harris's rise in the U.S.

On the JLP side, several senior members are expected to step down before the next national elections. What's causing the delay? Are they waiting for a nudge from their leader or a decisive shift in voter sentiment? Many of these long-serving MPs, such as Mike Henry, Audley Shaw, Everald Warmington, JC Hutchinson, Olivia Grange, and Edmond Bartlette, have made substantial contributions. However, their time may be coming to an end, and the suspense is building as we await their next move.

The question remains whether the younger generation of politicians is prepared to fill the shoes of these veterans. There have been instances where youthful exuberance led to political missteps, such as the situation with Morgan in Clarendon. His conflict with a councillor, who eventually defected and won as a member of the opposing party, highlights the complexity of political manoeuvring. Although both the JLP and PNP have brought in fresh talents, political success requires more than just intelligence; it demands keen insight and strategy.

The JLP currently faces a challenge in finding leaders who possess the appeal of past figures like Hugh Shearer, Pearnel Charles, or Donald Sangster. Meanwhile, Mark Golding, the Opposition Leader, is gaining ground in the polls, which might reflect more about the state of the JLP than the PNP.

As for other political parties, their prospects seem bleak, akin to a snowball's chance in a hot climate. There was talk of a new and dynamic party emerging, but it quickly fizzled out, much like the funds that once supported it. The NDM, while still in existence, has yet to make a significant impact.

Is it time for a change? What kind of change remains to be seen. Only time will tell what the future holds for Jamaica's political landscape.

What do you think?



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Anonymous said...

Major deciding factor is the PM's statutory declaration has not been certified. And he is not a humble leader

Anonymous said...

Yes, PM statutory declaration is a must but more important indiciplibe, corruption, crime, violence and general management of the country - places & roadways decaying and dirty.

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