Monday, 30 September 2024

What's Happening - September 30, 2024

Christopher Seaga will be my guest on Monday, September 30, 2024. Christopher is The Most Hon. Edward Seaga's son. He tells his story for the first time about growing up as the son of a Prime Minister. In part II I will talk with him about his fight with diabetes and  having to do a kidney transplant.

Click the picture below to listen to part I with Christopher Seaga.

Click here to listen.

Mayor Andrew Swaby
Mayor Andrew Swaby seems to understand that he is not the Mayor for his good looks. Vendors have told me that the KSAMC is cleaning up Coronation Market in Down Town Kingston. That is great Mr Mayor. I got some pictures of the work taking place.

Mayor, please continue and extend the cleanup campaign to the rest of the city. Let Kingston be the most beautiful city in the Caribbean.

I got a copy of a video which the KSAC did about how people can raise objections to the construction of a building in their community.

Information Video about Reporting Objections to Construction

 Cleaning up the Market

A New Parking Lot Being Built

Work is also being done to clean the bathrooms. Mayor Swaby says that a new car park is being built on Darling Street.




Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that.


It's Just a Click:



  1. Good beginnings Mr. Swaby. I hope provisions are being made to accommodate the vendors during the Christmas season because the shoppers need the sidewalk they can not walk in the streets.
    I like the video presentation outlining the objection processes to buildings being constructed. Knowledge is power as we get to know our rights and the processes for protecting them.

  2. This is good news, but please Mr Swaby if you're not consistent and keep patrol, you know that as you turn your back the vendors and the wholesales will dump the garbage exactly where you have cleaned so be vigilant. These people are nasty and to be held accountable, can't be spending money doing the same thing over and over. Vendors must contain their waste and despose of it properly. There are people employed to clean the bathrooms, why the mayor have to bring someone to do it? And we have to pay to use these bathrooms .people who are paid to do a job must do it well.

  3. Dorienne Rowan-Campbell30 September 2024 at 07:51

    A bitter laugh at the city video.
    Take a walk or drive through Hope Pastures you will see construction sites with BLANK forms displayed or no indication of proposed actions being undertaken. No indication of who is responsible

    The process in the video suggests that by the time the system tracks everything the construction will be completed with and no action taken

    Hope pastures association complained but no action yet

  4. I love love to see at the end of the market day, each vendor clean up the area where they use and and pack their garbage properly so the collectors can just come and removed it, the garbage collectors have to be sweeping and raking and packaging, and to I it's unfair, I wonder if the coconut husk anything can't be done with them, because that waste alone is so tumultuous


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