Tuesday 15 October 2024

Criminals Are Strategic Planners - They Achieved Their Goal at the National Stadium Football Match!

Oh, What a Night for the criminals at the National Stadium!

I received a video showing several cars parked at the National Stadium during the Jamaica/Honduras football match on Monday, October 14, 2023, vandalized. Items were removed from these cars.

We can learn from this incident that criminals understand the importance of strategic planning - they know how and when to make their tactical moves. They knew cars would be parked all over and like animals of prey, they would have a field night.

No one would go outside to look at the cars. More than likely they struck when a goal was about to be scored and the noise in the stadium was at maximum crescendo levels. Even security personnel present would be more interested in the match than the cars. Once again the criminals have proven they are the smartest people around. They keep on winning.

During a football match, it would be the ideal time to catch some of those idlers red-handed, charge and have them convicted and made to do hard work for at least 1 year. The pot would be sweetened with a few lashes. Of course, they would undergo a rehabilitation programme during that time. The one year would not be a custodial sentence. If they commit another offence in the future, then it would be ten years and a third time, a life sentence.

Mr Prime Minister, Minister of National Security, Leader of the Opposition you are joking with these criminals. Jamaica is indeed a criminal's paradise! Crime is a big and profitable business in Jamaica Land We Love. The organisers could have used a part of the gate receipts to put up cameras on the compound and have persons monitor what was happening. On second thought, those who are supposed to monitor the parking areas would be busy tracking the match!



Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that.


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Micspen said...

Sir are you afraid to say it ,then I will.

The crime industry is one of the largest employers of labour.

It is the fastest growing industry larger than Agriculture,mining or manufacturing.

Look at the ligitimate sector:
40,000 security guards
13000 policemen
6000 JDF personnel
7000 attorneys about 2000 licensed with General Legal Council.
11 prisons 7 for adults ,one for remand and 3 for juveniles.
Food and clothing is a must

Ministries of National Security and Justice.
Hundreds of cars guns and ammunition.

Overall thousands of civil servants and adjunct workers.
Food ,clothing and shelter for all.

Crime industry is 10 % of GDP taking into account the illigitimate sector of robbers,hitmen,drug and gun runners,petty thieves, fraudsters, drug and human traffickers.
The Cime industry is valued US$2.9 billion 10% of GDP while Agriculture is 8% of GDP.

A crime is any behaviourvthatvattracts a fine or imprisonment.
Check yourselves adjust your behaviour so tonendingbJamaica the most murderous Crimins l s Paradise on the planet earth .

Anonymous said...

I agree. Jamaica is indeed a paradise for criminals. There is no proper punishment in place for these criminals, so they do what they want whenever and wherever, knowing they are little consequences. Meanwhile those in charge are only interested in how much they can take and get while they are in power. Jamaica has lost all sense of morality. God help us

JA Life Media said...

As always, my question is not about how to catch criminals but how can Jamaica produce fewer criminals in the first place. The answer lies in how we prioritize acquiring material things and building houses, highways and high-rises rather than building people with skills and character.

Anonymous said...

O Sir u say it right but I think they need stricter rules .Make me afraid to come home.for it's real a Chrime country. Alot of people want to come home but because of the crimes Things need to change.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Ja life media. There are no kickbacks from building character, morals, and the right values and attitudes, so they are not a prioritized. Money is king, and its love is the root of sll evil.

Anonymous said...

You need a National Ketch A Criminal Month

Anonymous said...

So true👹

Anonymous said...

You are on to something.....the reality is indeed real....dudus and zeeks performed better at securing their rat infested fiefdom than all the horses and mules apointted by our pious representative of the white king of England.....jamica is terminally an wi tun to bush medicine....

Anonymous said...

So what is everybody saying that crime is only profitable in Jamaica and not elsewhere in the world? This is all we do stay onside and chat chat chat and have no solution as to how to come together and make a positive dent on solving the problems. It's easy to say we are afraid to do this and do that. I am in America now and I am afraid because of what is happening up here. Other countries have security guards, police, soldiers, and other personnel to protect their countries...what are you saying that those administrations are profiting criminals? We tend to talk about the bad that is happening in Jamaica than the good. I am tired of you people.

Anonymous said...

As usual the focus on the resolution of the crime problem is misplaced as a result of emotional outbursts or political expediency or just sheer frustration, fear or helplessness. The Jamaican society over the years has created a crime factory that is in active and continuous production. The production of the crime factory is caused by continued failures in producing good family and community life, failures in the education system as well as failures by the leaders and influencers in the society to create citizens united in building a society built by all for the benefit of all. Until there is more resources and energies focussed on reducing the production of the criminal mind that is disposed, ready and and able to engage in all sorts of criminality, the crime factory will continue to produce citizens at unsatisfactory level disposed to all sorts of criminality. Let us therefore individually and collectively focus more on correcting the above mentioned failings plaguing us unabated for years instead of focusing so much on fighting crime after the crime had occurred followed by destruction, loss and suffering.

Anonymous said...

The punishment is almost irrelevant given that the law enforcers are unable in 90% of the cases to ever catch the criminals or solve the crime(s). Of course the inability of the prosecuting authorities to successfully build and move charges through the courts is also a problem. Poor judicial decisionmaking that tends to favour violent criminals is a further confounding issue. The fact that many if not most of the lawmakers are themselves consorts of criminals and in many cases unindicted(able?) criminals themselves are resaons why the crime situation in this country will not change. When the security minister can attack someone with a loaded gun in Montego Bay and routinely consorts with crime producers in the 2nd city, to say nothing of arrogabtly violating road traffic and other laws the crime situation will not change. When the leader of the country routinely allows himself to be photographed with a criminal facilitatior in Mandeville, then the criminals kbow what's up. A Black brother is not a businessman simply because terrified reporters and newspaper publishers label them such. These are real reasons for the criminal justice to be unsuccessful here. Attacking human rights defenders and calling for draconian punishments will change nothibg in this type of national climate.

Anonymous said...

Was there any security having a match like this we all know the criminals would get busy so where was the security

Anonymous said...

Cameras should always be on hand to help fight crime. That should be on the forefront of the security authorities. We have too many loopholes in this our security system, so the criminals take advantage of this situation. Instead of giving away 25 million dollars to get some information, why not get the camera's out and get the right person to monitor them 24/7 so we can be more effective in fighting crime. We could be way ahead of the challenges that we are facing right now. Why not introduce a policy to give the young men's of our nation to start farming so we can export more and so turn this wonderful country of Jamaica into a more effective civilize place to live. We are too brilliant to be killing off , our own people and the land is just sitting there and hardly anything is being done to it. The security authorities are doing well! However; they could be great, but they need to step up in their surveillance system. Cameras, Men & Women, Ears on ground, this is one of the critical thinking that is really lacking and logging behind in. Please Mr. Commission, we are dropping the ball on this. We should know whenever the criminals are about to make a move and stop them right in their tracks. Not them springing a surprise on us. We need to do better and we can do better. We are on the right track. Let us expand our tracking system.

Anonymous said...

Honestly some times the authorities are really dropping the ball. It is going over two months now and still no water in the a certain area of Seaton Crescent in savanna-La-Mar in Westmoreland. Yet they are collecting their money 💰 every month for maintenance fee. Why our government cannot get the NWC stop robbing innocent hard working people of their money. That is a very deceitful way of manipulating our rights. As bad as JPS is, they are always giving back. NWC gives back nothing. Take a good look 👀 Flow is now following in the same 👟 of the big providers. They cannot manage their customers Base. So are they biting off more than what they can chew? We need help! It is one of the worst crisis I have seen for the pass 4 to 5 years. They need to get their Acts together. They are a result of their own problem. What really hurt 🤕. Is that everytime you look around. People who should have a meter , do not have a meter. Yet they have water to even give others. What a disgrace in our communities.

Anonymous said...

The governments, and security personnel are joking with crime. One big example, rather than strengthening the law regarding unexplained wealth, it is being challenged in court by the Prime Minister.

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