Monday 14 October 2024

What's Happening, October 14, 2024

 SpotOn Guests

Dr Orville Beckford

Dr. Orville Beckford will join me during SpotOn on Omega Radio on Monday, October 14, 2024, from 1300 to 1400 EST. We will discuss the relevance of Christianity in a modern or some might say. a madern world. He will also tell us about his new publication, 'Don’t Judge Me by My Scars or Hold Me Hostage to My Past'.

Nadine Williams

Nadine Williams will also join me for Market Prices. Hear about the latest food prices at the Coronation Market in Kingston Jamaica. No one does it like Nadine. With her interesting descriptions of what is happening at the market and her dramatic presentation, you will be captivated by this talented woman, a market vendor and a mother.

Contact Me To Get Things Done!

I have assisted many Jamaicans and other nationals in dealing with their challenges. Persons in Jamaica having customer service challenges also call on me to assist them. Send me a WhatsApp message at 876 816-5261 and I will try to assist.

Let me hear about matters such as spouse, child and sexual abuse, problems with your roads, water and other matters affecting you as a person.

Another Sink Hole

If your motor vehicle drops in this sink hole we might just have a problem locating you and the vehicle. See the report I received below about this pothole:

Hi Vernon 

I couldn't take a picture because of heavy traffic. Location Caymanas Traffic Light Entering Mandela from Municipal Boulevard, making the right turn onto  Mandela,2 lanes are turning right. 

The right lane runs into a major POT HOLE as soon as the right turn is made. The vehicle has to stop suddenly which brings that lane to a halt.

Drivers try to bore into the left turning lane ( very dangerous) Because of this delay the light at the other end (from central village side) and the North Coast highway catches up with the merging traffic creating havoc and confusion. 

Someone is going to die soon at that intersection if the pothole is not fixed quickly.

We need to have a Pothole Identification Strategic System (PISS) to alert motorists when a pothole is coming up. PISS would reduce how motorists feel about the National Works Agency (NWA). Paint a circle around these potholes using reflecting paint? Can the engineering departments at our universities research this matter and find solutions.  I wonder if melted tyres could provide a temporary fix for these potholes. 

The Prime Minister is also fed up with these potholes. I wonder if heads at NWA will have to roll before we roll out PISS. Please don't mix this up with SPARK, another road-fixing project. After SPARK we will still need to have PISS.

Minister Morgan, remember to update us on the outstanding funds owed to road contractors which was mentioned recently in a release by Opposition Spokesperson Richard Azan.




Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that.


It's Just a Click:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In full support of the PISS. An wi nuh waa nuh PISS poor implementation

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