Wednesday 16 October 2024

Yu Mussi Drink Mad Pus Piss

The Hon. Mr. Justice (Ret’d) Seymour Panton, OJ, CD 

It has been clear to me for a long time that a lack of appropriate socialization, despite educational achievements and positions one will still display antisocial behaviour. Over the years, our Governors General, with one exception, have held their positions and performed their duties with a high standard of decorum. Their political backgrounds never mattered. Sir Clifford Campbell was a prime example of this. I recall seeing his picture on the wall, which conveyed the image of a man who carried himself with dignity and class. Other Governors General like Howard Cooke and Florizel Glasspole also endeared themselves to the public. They held the esteemed office as head of state yet remained connected to the ordinary citizen - never displaying a "neva see come see" attitude.

This brings me to the Chairman of the Integrity Commission. I fully support the Integrity Commission's mission to address corruption in Jamaica. However, my concern is that corruption is not limited to politics—it extends into all sectors of society.

What worries me is how the Integrity Commission currently operates. It appears overly bureaucratic, leaving less time to tackle corruption and offer recommendations for improving the system. I believe it’s inefficient to require all public officials earning above a certain level to file annual reports on their income and assets. We should consider making the Tax Administration redundant for such tasks.

My doubts about the organization began after an interaction with a senior official at the Integrity Commission. Following our phone conversation, I sensed something was off about the individual, raising concerns in my mind.

The next red flag came when reports surfaced about several parliamentarians being investigated for illicit enrichment. This created a wave of political gossip and suspicion, undermining the integrity of Parliament as a whole, as all members were now viewed under a cloud of doubt.

Recently, when the Integrity Commissioners were invited to Parliament, I became even more concerned. The IC Chairman’s behaviour struck me as odd. He made a point of bringing his own water instead of drinking from a parliamentary bottle, insinuating that the behaviour of parliamentarians might be influenced by the water they consume in Parliament. While this was a humorous remark, it felt inappropriate. He even suggested that a psychiatrist should evaluate members of the House!

The IC Chairman seems to have a negative bias against some members of Parliament. If this were a courtroom and I were a lawyer, I would request that he recuse himself from the case due to apparent bias.

He used his intellectual abilities to subtly, or some might say hypocritically, suggest to the people's representatives that something was wrong with them. He even invited them to church to repent. Mr Panton, there may indeed be something in the water at Gordon House, given the behaviour of some of our representatives. But I hope you didn’t indulge in collie weed yourself. It might be time to step back and retire, my brother.

It seems as though we are entering a season of madness, as my grandmother would say, "Yu mussi drink mad puss piss!"


I expect some people after reading this blog to criticize me for being partisan. As a blogger, I criticize anyone I think I should criticize. There is no need to tell me which party I support because I vote at election time and I have my biases. The difference with me is that I don't use my biases to judge others and to verbally abuse them. Feel free to add your comments to the blog whether you support my points or not.



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Anonymous said...

I totally agree!...from foundation fren.

Anonymous said...

Very good article vernon

Anonymous said...

As someone who claims to be a church man and a preacher I find his behavior rather appalling with such behavior how could you be inviting someone to church to repent if I am to repent and portrait such behavior then it's best I stay how I am is people like him that causes the church to not grow in numbers or people to repent he's a turn off from the Christian faith .

Anonymous said...

Yes, you will get critics because we are a truly tribalised nation and some people find it difficult to put certain things aside for the sake of speaking out against what's wrong.

Mr. Panton did not do himself any favours by carrying on the way he did in Parliament yesterday. His behaviour was a disgrace and he gave Christianity a bad name. He ought to step aside. After yesterday's despicable behaviour, everything the IC does and says is questionable in my mind. I don't trust them and they are quite arrogant. Can you imagine Mr. Panton declaring that he is doing the Parliament a favour by appearing before them? Jamaica needs an IC with integrity and genuine love for the country NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you Vernon. This integrity commission needs
its own integrity commission.

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