Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Who Will Go, Chairman McCurdy or Principal Williams?

Christopher McCurdy

Why fight for your rights and end up being dead, right?  It could be worthwhile if you intend to be a national hero, and I understand that the list is closed!

What is all this fighting for at St. James High? Is it in the interest of the students? Whose interest is it in? What do we hope to achieve? You will all die and leave it, and no one will remember you. In the meantime, we continue to embarrass the school community and the government of Jamaica.

Are we trying to create another national issue in an election year to undermine the government that you claim you support? People are already saying that Andrew's government is trying to kick out principal Joseph Williams from St. James High. 

Chairman McCurdy, the greatest act you can do for the government, the school community, and yourself is to offer your letter of resignation now. Money and time will be saved!

You neva barn fi tun school board chairman, my friend. You cannot lead a school board from a media house. Let St. James High School continue on the highway of improvement.


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  1. Could it be the Chairman ,principal or some teachers be the less than the influence.

    Education for Jamaica's national good must remain the focus of the schools/institutions of learning not selfish domestic partisanship.

    A Ministry of Education State of Emergency platoon must bear the foregoing in mind in weeding out the less than.positive influences.

  2. Hold on this is new one MOESOE never heard it before but seems like a great idea for swift curative or preventative actions.

  3. All concerned must sort out the matter in the national interest.

  4. Who must go not just Will it's got to be the disposable non educator Chairman.

    Unless for sure he was a trained educator from ,UWI, Sam Sharpe,Moneague,Mico,Church teachers Colleges or elsewhere.
    Otherwise just step back Br Mc.

  5. Total Kaibab kabba waste of valuabe enlightenment time.

  6. Soooooo tired of the shenanigans.

  7. Easier for chairman to go. Dat Web too tangled

  8. Principal stay. Chairman with no ability to lead should be dismissed.

  9. I understand the principals agenda rooted in discipline and achievement of educational goals. However, what is the agenda of the Chairman except to remove the principal? If he removes the principal, will he take the job of the principal, or does he have a successor in the wings?


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