Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Bark Di Trute Write's To The PM About the Shoddy Road Maintenance Today

Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

While you are busy working, some public sector agencies are making you and your government look awful. You need to ensure that ineffective leaders of certain agencies are removed.

Today, while it was raining, I felt a tremor like an earthquake, so I peeped outside. It was a roller going down the avenue. I saw a group of workers on top of a truck, and some were pouring marl into a few potholes.

These potholes were not cleaned out first. While they were pouring the marl into the potholes, there was a shower of rain. Some of the marl would have been washed away. The smaller potholes were not filled with marl, because it was not economical to do so. Contractors cannot make big money fixing small potholes.

I started to take some pictures of what was taking place because I believe my fellow taxpayers would appreciate that. The gentleman driving the roller took strong objections to me taking pictures. It was clear that the work that they were doing in the public thoroughfare was private and confidential and not to be captured on camera.

Mr. Prime Minister, you need to demand that these contractors and workers fix the roads properly. What I saw today was just to pretend that work was being done. I wonder who supervised the work?

Mr. Prime Minister, I would like to know if an invoice was submitted for workers pretending that the road was being fixed. With the performance of these workers, you don't need the opposition party to campaign against you because those workers did an excellent job of that today.

Looking forward to hearing from you, PM, as to what action you will take.




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  1. I agree with this writer I saw a part of the road in Alston where they patch some part of the road and leave some it don't make sense why are they leaving some part of the road my PM you have to get somebody to see that these contractor do what they get pay to do because you are getting the bad name

  2. There are showers of blessings, so I guess the marl will be washed out of the few potholes that were filled with marl.

  3. Expect this when it all comes down to a few months before election and normal procurement procedures are bypassed.The best maintenance programme is a continual programme. Having said that the technical agencies must do their work and competent people should head these agencies.


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