Showing posts with label Suriname. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suriname. Show all posts

Tuesday 14 April 2015

ISIS or Just Seeking Overseas Opportunities?

Heading to Netherlands or Elsewhere?

There have been many questions about that teenager who was heading to the Netherlands via Suriname and he was sent back to Jamaica. Reports in the press alledges that he was planning to join ISIS, in Syria. ISIS is a notorious terrorist organization.

Teenager Didn't Intend To Return To Jamaica?

A relative of the teenager said on local media that the teenager was going to England because he was seeking a better life. I must admit that there are many unanswered questions about all of this. Why was this information given publicly about him not coming back to Jamaica. This could affect the youngster chance of getting a visa to travel to other countries in the future. Why are the relatives speaking to the press without a lawyer.

Could The Mother File for Her Son?

If his mother is in the United Kingson, is she living there legally. Could she have filed for her son? If she leaves England to go to the Netherlands to pick up her son, would she need an entry permit to re-enter the United Kingdom? How would she get back to England with her son when he does not have an entry permit.

Travelling During School Time!

If the youngster is travelling when he should be in school, then the border control officers in the various countries will be wondering why this person is not attending school at that time.The officials will also wonder why that fare was paid for the teenager to spend just one week, so far away from home.

Have a Visa

Did this youngster have a visa to go to the Netherlands? It is my understanding that one does not need a visa to go to Suriname but he would need a visa to go on to the Netherlands.

Was He About To Join ISIS?

The immigration officers would have asked this youngter  many questions about his future interntions. How did ISIS come in the mix? Did he have any documents on him or made any telephone calls to persons or organizations linked to ISIS? Did he have any friends on Facebook or on any other social pages linking him with persons from ISIS?

Lessons For The Rest Of Us

  • Be careful of those friends who you meet on these social pages. 
  • Be very carefull of the discussions that you have on these social pages or even in emails.
  • Inform yourself of immigration requirements for those countries which you plan to visit. 
  • Always give accurate information for your visa applications and answer all border control persons truthfully. 
  • Have sufficient funds on you when you are travelling.
  • Know where you are staying and your length of stay which should not conflict with that allowed by your ticket.
  • Have telephone contacts and the name for the persons who you will stay with.
  • Do not leave your bags unattended while travelling.
  • Answer questions politely which are asked by immigration or other officials.

Let me have your feedback please. All the best.

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