Showing posts with label nurse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nurse. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Edith Allwood-Anderson WIll Go To Her Grave Being A Fighter - Vernon Derby

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Nurse Allwood-Anderson Served The Nurses Well

Mrs. Edith Allwood-Anderson, former President of the Nurses Association of Jamaica, has served the nurses well for a number of years. She was the nurses' star. She is feasty, blunt, determine and fears no one. In the past she left no stone unturned until she felt that nurses were dealt with fairly. She was not afraid to take on even the Prime Minister of Jamaica, literally face to face.

Her Personality Worked Well For The Nurses In The Past

Although she is not in the best of health now, she still has that strong personality. She is using the same personality to fight for what she thinks is right for herself now that she use to fight for nurses in the past.

Let's not be hard on her because we believe that she is going about fighting for her cause the wrong way. Protesting in a wheel chair - that's a brilliant strategy to bring her protest in the forefront. Many have gone on the so called 'sick out' to fight for their demands in the past. Nurse Allwood-Anderson sat in a wheel chair during her very effective one woman demonstration and she did not tell anyone that she couldn't walk or that anyone had made her, wheel-chair bound.

Her behaviour now, is similar to the behaviour that she used to fight for her colleagues in the past.

Give Her Love And The Honour She Deserves

Let's show her the love and give her the honour that she has worked for and that she deserves. Let's remember how she fought for many nurses and how they have benefitted from that same personality, rather than getting all emotional over an outstanding leader's behaviour at this time.

Christmas Is In The Air

Christmas is in the air so let's put away all bitterness and show love even to those who have offend us.

Nurse Allwood-Anderson Will Not Change At This Point!

One thing for sure is Edith Allwood-Anderson wIll go to her grave being a fighter and I believe that she will make a dramatic exit when she leaves this world. That's the woman, that's the nurse, that's the former leader of the nurses and she cannot change at this stage.

It's a pity that her personality and character which helped others in the past could be used to bring her to the ground. Let's not forget the good she has done in the past.

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