Tuesday 15 October 2024

Another Hitting Bark Di Trute News and Commentary!

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to the few who have supported me in my mission to empower the voiceless, and to those who have helped me assist thousands of people over the years.

Today, I'm excited to introduce a longer version of my latest project, Bark Di Trute News and Commentary. This work is powered entirely by my laptop and phone.

As you can imagine, I wear many hats—scriptwriter, presenter, producer, video editor, cameraman, blogger and now, promoter. Your understanding and support mean everything.

Click the picture below to watch the video, and I look forward to hearing your feedback.

Click and watch this biting commentary



Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that.


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Monday 14 October 2024

JLP Reiterates Call for the PNP's Donovan Mitchell to Resign


Press Release From The Jamaica Labour Party - 20241014

Marlon Margon

Member of the Jamaica Labour Party's Communications Taskforce, Marlon Morgan, is reiterating the call for the immediate resignation of the PNP's Donovan Mitchell as Mayor of Mandeville and aspirant to contest the Manchester Central constituency.

Mr. Morgan says he considers as feeble and pitiful, the attempt by Mayor Mitchell on Sunday to justify his crass and offensive comment that there is nothing wrong with unexplained wealth. Mr. Morgan says Mayor Mitchell's assertion via a press release on Sunday that he was speaking sarcastically, is as ludicrous, offensive and asinine as his comments at last Thursday's meeting of the Manchester Municipal Corporation where he posited that there is nothing wrong with unexplained wealth. 

Mr. Morgan argued: "Donovan Mitchell is a senior member of the PNP and should be fully aware of the standards to which public officials are held. In circumstances where lives are being lost as a result of lottery scamming-related violence in the very municipality and parish over which he has superintendence as mayor, it is absolutely disturbing and insulting that Donovan Mitchell would expect the public to accept that he was merely speaking sarcastically. Unexplained wealth and lottery scamming are too serious a scourge in our society for any idle jesting or so-called sarcastic comments".

Morgan added: "What is particularly offensive in Mayor Mitchell's feeble justification is that he chose to conflate issues, deflect and remain wrong and strong as opposed to acknowledging his grave error of judgment. At no point in his 7 paragraphs long press release did Donovan Mitchell express regret or acknowledge that his comments had the effect of signalling support for lottery scamming and other illicit means of wealth accumulation.

In doubling down, Mayor Mitchell has insulted the intelligence of well-thinking Jamaican people and has further offended our sensibilities. The people of Manchester and Jamaica deserve much better public accountability and leadership than that being offered by Donovan Mitchell, and as such, he should resign forthwith".




Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that.


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Breaking News! Student Stabbed at Knox College in Spalding?

I just got a report that a student got stabbed at Knox College and the injured student is now in the Spalding hospital. The report stated that the incident took place this afternoon. I hope this is being treated as a crime and that the police are dealing with this. A school cannot be a holding area for young criminals and potential murderers.

We cannot afford to spend money on students who want to turn school compounds into war zones. It is time for order in this country from the womb to the tomb. There must be order in the home, order in the school and order in the nation.

Organizations like Jamaica For Justice might say we cannot deprive young people of getting an education. Young people must first be properly socialized. Proper socialization must be an integral part of the education system.

We might have a chance with an uneducated criminal but an educated criminal is a dangerous animal to society.

Bark Di Trute is waiting for an official report from the police.




Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that.


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This Is An Emergency! JPSCo Help Needed Now.

Report From A Resident: 

I have been trying to get JPS to remove a high-tension wire from our premises in Stony Hill. Mount George Estate. Lot 2, Gate 13.

I sent them a picture of the state of the wire because it is cutting itself loose.

Persons should avoid this area. This is in St. Andrew.

What's Happening, October 14, 2024

 SpotOn Guests

Dr Orville Beckford

Dr. Orville Beckford will join me during SpotOn on Omega Radio on Monday, October 14, 2024, from 1300 to 1400 EST. We will discuss the relevance of Christianity in a modern or some might say. a madern world. He will also tell us about his new publication, 'Don’t Judge Me by My Scars or Hold Me Hostage to My Past'.

Nadine Williams

Nadine Williams will also join me for Market Prices. Hear about the latest food prices at the Coronation Market in Kingston Jamaica. No one does it like Nadine. With her interesting descriptions of what is happening at the market and her dramatic presentation, you will be captivated by this talented woman, a market vendor and a mother.

Contact Me To Get Things Done!

I have assisted many Jamaicans and other nationals in dealing with their challenges. Persons in Jamaica having customer service challenges also call on me to assist them. Send me a WhatsApp message at 876 816-5261 and I will try to assist.

Let me hear about matters such as spouse, child and sexual abuse, problems with your roads, water and other matters affecting you as a person.

Another Sink Hole

If your motor vehicle drops in this sink hole we might just have a problem locating you and the vehicle. See the report I received below about this pothole:

Hi Vernon 

I couldn't take a picture because of heavy traffic. Location Caymanas Traffic Light Entering Mandela from Municipal Boulevard, making the right turn onto  Mandela,2 lanes are turning right. 

The right lane runs into a major POT HOLE as soon as the right turn is made. The vehicle has to stop suddenly which brings that lane to a halt.

Drivers try to bore into the left turning lane ( very dangerous) Because of this delay the light at the other end (from central village side) and the North Coast highway catches up with the merging traffic creating havoc and confusion. 

Someone is going to die soon at that intersection if the pothole is not fixed quickly.

We need to have a Pothole Identification Strategic System (PISS) to alert motorists when a pothole is coming up. PISS would reduce how motorists feel about the National Works Agency (NWA). Paint a circle around these potholes using reflecting paint? Can the engineering departments at our universities research this matter and find solutions.  I wonder if melted tyres could provide a temporary fix for these potholes. 

The Prime Minister is also fed up with these potholes. I wonder if heads at NWA will have to roll before we roll out PISS. Please don't mix this up with SPARK, another road-fixing project. After SPARK we will still need to have PISS.

Minister Morgan, remember to update us on the outstanding funds owed to road contractors which was mentioned recently in a release by Opposition Spokesperson Richard Azan.




Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that.


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Saturday 12 October 2024

Education, Equality & Crime - Michael Spence


Is Education and inequality the main causes of increased crime in Jamaica or squatting?

Education and inequality indeed are some of the causes of increased crime(any behaviour that attracts a fine or imprisonment) in Jamaica but all the things we rightly want will not happen without the will and until the engine of economic growth is fixed. The elevation in 2017 of the income tax threshold to J$1.5 million has less to do with the rapid building of a crime industry than having a third of our population or approximately 700,000 living in squatter conditions and 200,000 unattached youths. 

Interestingly when slavery was abolished there were 350,000 squatters and we are celebrating Emancipation and Independence Days when many more are still living in conditions that make some slavery conditions look like Sunday school. Montego Bay alone for example has 17 squatter communities. Squatting is mainly driven by housing shortages, economic hardships, political support to ensure loyalty practised by the two major parties JLP and PNP, and the availability of idle land and or houses. 

A policy to empower squatters or reduce the squatter population is connected to the reduction of crime and a reduction in public safety island-wide, and growing an economy in a civilized manner. I understand the frustration of brethren like Peter Espeut who I know among others are competent in using a holistic approach in their analyses to realize that most Jamaicans are criminals by design and others by circumstances, thereby increasing crime and public safety challenges significantly. Crime has unfortunately/fortunately become a functional part of Jamaican society contributing in some instances to the maintenance, growth and development of uncivilized underdevelopment in some cases.

If you combine legitimate criminal enterprises like the police, army, security companies, dogs, drones, cameras guns, vehicles, prisons, legal firms, courthouses, clothes and food suppliers, grills, fences, education and medical health personnel etc. Then you look at the illegitimate side including the multibillion extortion rackets, illegal drug and gun trades, boats, planes, shop breaking, scamming, corruption, squatting, phones and other technology. All of the above should be about 7-10% of GDP when you combine direct and indirect costs to fight crime, then if you look at the percentage of public debt it could be as high as 90% diverting private and public funds from more productive and essential investments to enhance national development. Crime is partly responsible for Jamaican society's growth, maintenance and underdevelopment. Would anyone be surprised to hear someone say crime is good for Jamaica not understanding the wider link to the impoverishment, fear and misery of the society for example buying crime-fighting items for the police and Army instead of computers and books for schools or beds and medicines for hospitals.

Jamaica needs a national movement and awareness to improve public safety not more expenditure misguided “crime plan” but a more creative, pragmatic, honest, innovative and selective use of resources and manpower. The security forces must own the spaces and the only recognized gangs should be the police/army the only Dons being the Commissioner and the Brigadier with their Superintendents. Majors, corporals, constables and sergeants must occupy public spaces not the foot soldiers of Dons along with their ground commanders.

Contributed by

Thursday 10 October 2024

More Pot Holes - Clarendon and Kingston

Bark Di Trute is getting plenty of complaints about bad road conditions across the island and I cannot post all of them. 

Here is another report coming from Clarendon: 

"Trafalgar Hill on the main road between Chapelton and Summer Field...the picture says in all!! If u don't get it  the farmers have decided to plant their banana, coconut , Cocoa etc in the potholes in the middle of the road. Where is the October road works that was so proudly announced weeks ago?"

Here is another report:

Hi Vernon 

I couldn't take a picture because of heavy traffic. Location Caymanas Traffic Light Entering Mandela from Municipal Boulevard, making the right turn onto  Mandela,2 lanes are turning right. 

The right lane runs into a major POT HOLE as soon as the right turn is made. The vehicle has to stop suddenly which brings that lane to a halt.

Drivers try to bore into the left turning lane ( very dangerous) Because of this delay the light at the other end (from central village side) and the North Coast highway catches up with the merging traffic creating havoc and confusion. 

Someone is going to die soon at that intersection if the pothole is not fixed quickly.





Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that.


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