Thursday 17 October 2024

Integrity Commission Has Questions to Answer Says Bark Di Trute Reader


Good morning Mr Darby. I have read your article dealing with the issue concerning the Integrity Commission Chairman in our parliament. I believe Mr Panton believes he is above the law and his conduct was a disgrace to his colleagues on the bench. I totally agree with everything you said. You know what's worse sir, there were 40 primary school students in the parliament watching the proceedings. What kind of example is Justice Panton sending to these students. 

I  remember some time ago before the report of the Prime Minister was tabled in Parliament the Observer Newspaper and Nationwide Station made mention about issues in the report to be tabled in Parliament. As a result, Mr Panton put a warning that persons who discussed the report before it was tabled in Parliament are liable for Prosecution. Mr Panton had the opportunity at that time to make it clear that persons under investigation could speak about it before the report is tabled in Parliament, but he didn't. In Justice Panton's statement on Tuesday he said the person under investigation in his view can speak about the investigation before it is tabled in Parliament. Mr Pearnel Charles read a section of the Integrity Act which states no one should speak about the investigation before it is tabled in Parliament, then he asked if is that the way the Integrity Commission interpret the law. 

Mr Greg Christie who responded didn't answer the question. Public sector employees who submit their statutory declaration would like to know if they can speak about this if they are under investigation. Sometime last week the Integrity Commission sent a report to Parliament for a Member of Parliament to be charged. Shortly after Mr Mikael Phillips told the nation that he was under investigation by the IC. At the time he said it the report was not tabled in Parliament. 

Taking into consideration for several months I heard the Opposition leader, Mr Dayton Campbell and in recent times Mr Julian Robinson speak about the Integrity Commission report before it was tabled in Parliament and they were not cautioned by  Chairman Panton. So I am of the opinion that the Mr Panton is very biased. I believe the only reason why he mentioned in his statement that a person under investigation can speak about it before it is tabled in Parliament is because he wants to protect Mikael Phillips or want to embarrass others law makers who may under investigation and refuse to speak about it.  what if Mr Panton views is different from the Director of corruption Prosecution. There would be a conflict in case she decides to charged someone who is under investigation and speak about it before it is tabled in Parliament. So you see where it was important for them to answer Mr Pearnel Charles's question properly.

Contributed by

Anonymous From Westmoreland




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Wednesday 16 October 2024

Warmy VS Stormy Panton

I just got a copy of a press release from the Integrity Commission regarding comments made by MP Everald Warmington during a sitting of the Integrity Committee of Parliament. I had an exclusive interview with MP Warmington this afternoon which you can listen to in the blog. This is my first time interviewing Mr. Warmington.

After reading the Integrity Commission's press release, I said MP Warmington got a knockout punch for the first time. Probably, I was a bit biased against MP Warmington. After listening to the MP, I have concluded that while we definitely need an Integrity Commission, we certainly need a Warmington in the House of Parliament.

Mark my word, Warmington no fool! The Chairman of the Integrity Commission must respond to MP Warmington. The question of the Auditor General being a member of an Integrity Commission which she should also audit, is a serious matter.

I look forward to your comments. This is an important national discussion which we need to have. 



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Flooding off Barbican Road!


The police Twitter account says this is Birdsucker Lane which is flooded but other informants say it's Graham Heights in Kingston, Jamaica. If you are in that area please update me by WhatsApp at 876-816-5261.



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More Cars Vandalized!


I just received this video about an hour ago. Do you recognize the video and the location where it was taken? 

WhatsApp your information to (876) 816-5261.

Note: I have been advised that this was on a road near to the National Stadium and it happened during the football match at the Stadium.



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Yu Mussi Drink Mad Pus Piss

The Hon. Mr. Justice (Ret’d) Seymour Panton, OJ, CD 

It has been clear to me for a long time that a lack of appropriate socialization, despite educational achievements and positions one will still display antisocial behaviour. Over the years, our Governors General, with one exception, have held their positions and performed their duties with a high standard of decorum. Their political backgrounds never mattered. Sir Clifford Campbell was a prime example of this. I recall seeing his picture on the wall, which conveyed the image of a man who carried himself with dignity and class. Other Governors General like Howard Cooke and Florizel Glasspole also endeared themselves to the public. They held the esteemed office as head of state yet remained connected to the ordinary citizen - never displaying a "neva see come see" attitude.

This brings me to the Chairman of the Integrity Commission. I fully support the Integrity Commission's mission to address corruption in Jamaica. However, my concern is that corruption is not limited to politics—it extends into all sectors of society.

What worries me is how the Integrity Commission currently operates. It appears overly bureaucratic, leaving less time to tackle corruption and offer recommendations for improving the system. I believe it’s inefficient to require all public officials earning above a certain level to file annual reports on their income and assets. We should consider making the Tax Administration redundant for such tasks.

My doubts about the organization began after an interaction with a senior official at the Integrity Commission. Following our phone conversation, I sensed something was off about the individual, raising concerns in my mind.

The next red flag came when reports surfaced about several parliamentarians being investigated for illicit enrichment. This created a wave of political gossip and suspicion, undermining the integrity of Parliament as a whole, as all members were now viewed under a cloud of doubt.

Recently, when the Integrity Commissioners were invited to Parliament, I became even more concerned. The IC Chairman’s behaviour struck me as odd. He made a point of bringing his own water instead of drinking from a parliamentary bottle, insinuating that the behaviour of parliamentarians might be influenced by the water they consume in Parliament. While this was a humorous remark, it felt inappropriate. He even suggested that a psychiatrist should evaluate members of the House!

The IC Chairman seems to have a negative bias against some members of Parliament. If this were a courtroom and I were a lawyer, I would request that he recuse himself from the case due to apparent bias.

He used his intellectual abilities to subtly, or some might say hypocritically, suggest to the people's representatives that something was wrong with them. He even invited them to church to repent. Mr Panton, there may indeed be something in the water at Gordon House, given the behaviour of some of our representatives. But I hope you didn’t indulge in collie weed yourself. It might be time to step back and retire, my brother.

It seems as though we are entering a season of madness, as my grandmother would say, "Yu mussi drink mad puss piss!"


I expect some people after reading this blog to criticize me for being partisan. As a blogger, I criticize anyone I think I should criticize. There is no need to tell me which party I support because I vote at election time and I have my biases. The difference with me is that I don't use my biases to judge others and to verbally abuse them. Feel free to add your comments to the blog whether you support my points or not.



Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that.


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Time To Put Back Law and Order In The Society


This is the picture of the taxi man the police was trying to locate. It is alleged that he threw a stone into a JUTC bus damaging it.

On conviction, this taxi driver should spend six months washing and cleaning JUTC buses, and attend an institution for six months. This institution would be responsible for re-socializing him.

He should cover all costs for repairing the damage to the bus and any other related costs, such as inconvenience to passengers. He should be responsible for all rehabilitation costs.

His licence should be cancelled for at least one year after and he would be required to be retrained by a licenced driving instructor. This man should undergo psychological testing to ascertain if he is a fit and proper person to drive a public vehicle.

Let me have your comments supporting some or all of these suggestions as we call on the authorities to put back law and order in Jamaica. Your voice and support can make a difference. It will be interesting to see how much support this post gets! Show your support by sharing this post.

More Reading

Taxi who threw stone in JUTC bus identified.



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Prime Minister Holness Says Lifting Citizens out of Poverty Requires Economic Stability and Strategic Investments

Press Release From The Office of The Prime Minister - 20241015

Prime Minister Dr. Andrew Holness has emphasized the government's commitment to lifting Jamaicans out of poverty, enabling them to achieve their aspirations. 

Prime Minister Holness says lifting people from poverty is intrinsically linked to the government’s focus on creating a stable economy and fostering good governance, which are crucial to aid in addressing the needs of the people.

Speaking last Thursday (October 10) at the grand opening of the new Courts store in Drax Hall, St. Ann, Prime Minister Holness underscored the importance of aligning Jamaica’s economic framework with the everyday aspirations of its citizens, particularly those seeking to move into the middle class. 

“We want people to step up in life. If stepping up means buying a bigger fridge or being able to send their children to school easier, that is prosperity,” the Prime Minister declared. He continued, “We are not afraid of being aspirational, but those aspirations cannot be fulfilled without having a solid economy.”

The Prime Minister addressed the public sentiment of doubt that often surrounds large-scale economic discussions, highlighting the connection between macroeconomic stability and the daily needs of Jamaicans. 

“There is a sense in Jamaica that somehow we must not aspire. That we must not appreciate the driving urge inside of us to achieve better,” he said. “How do we connect these macroeconomic variables to the urgent needs of the people? Without correcting these, you won’t achieve the things you complain about, and you will end up in a cycle of unfulfilled promises.”

Importantly, Prime Minister Holness pointed out the transformative role of the government’s policies in creating an enabling environment for investments in Jamaica, citing the steady reduction of public debt, stable inflation rates, and consistent employment growth. The country's unemployment has dropped from 13% to 4.2% in the last decade, marking Jamaica’s achievement of full employment. 

“Jamaica is not the same place it was ten years ago. More people have income, more people are aspirational, and this makes Jamaica a prime destination for investors,” Prime Minister Holness said. He further highlighted that Jamaica is the only country in the Caribbean with a free-floating exchange rate, ensuring a stable and predictable economic environment for investors. The Prime Minister noted that this economic stability, coupled with nine consecutive budgets without new taxes, is attracting major international brands like Courts to invest in Jamaica and create more opportunities for its citizens.

The Prime Minister also stressed that the dividends of these foreign direct investments will be reinvested into the people of Jamaica. 

“Rest assured, the dividends from good economic management will be reinvested in the people in tangible ways. That is why we implemented initiatives like the reverse tax credit for those earning less than $3 million per year—ensuring that the benefits of good governance and a stable economy reach those who need it most,” he said.

Prime Minister Holness reinforced the government’s long-term vision of building a prosperous society by elevating individuals from poverty and creating a better life for them and their families.

The opening of the Courts Drax Hall store stands as a symbol of the economic growth and opportunities that Jamaica is poised to continue attracting, further reinforcing the administration’s focus on delivering prosperity to all Jamaicans.



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Tuesday 15 October 2024

Criminals Are Strategic Planners - They Achieved Their Goal at the National Stadium Football Match!

Oh, What a Night for the criminals at the National Stadium!

I received a video showing several cars parked at the National Stadium during the Jamaica/Honduras football match on Monday, October 14, 2023, vandalized. Items were removed from these cars.

We can learn from this incident that criminals understand the importance of strategic planning - they know how and when to make their tactical moves. They knew cars would be parked all over and like animals of prey, they would have a field night.

No one would go outside to look at the cars. More than likely they struck when a goal was about to be scored and the noise in the stadium was at maximum crescendo levels. Even security personnel present would be more interested in the match than the cars. Once again the criminals have proven they are the smartest people around. They keep on winning.

During a football match, it would be the ideal time to catch some of those idlers red-handed, charge and have them convicted and made to do hard work for at least 1 year. The pot would be sweetened with a few lashes. Of course, they would undergo a rehabilitation programme during that time. The one year would not be a custodial sentence. If they commit another offence in the future, then it would be ten years and a third time, a life sentence.

Mr Prime Minister, Minister of National Security, Leader of the Opposition you are joking with these criminals. Jamaica is indeed a criminal's paradise! Crime is a big and profitable business in Jamaica Land We Love. The organisers could have used a part of the gate receipts to put up cameras on the compound and have persons monitor what was happening. On second thought, those who are supposed to monitor the parking areas would be busy tracking the match!



Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that.


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