Saturday 9 November 2013

JUTC Discontinuation of Transfer System

From a Listener to At Your Service


Firstly, Mr. Campbell did initially say that the Route 800 shuttle was among the buses that went Down Town. The Route 800 shuttle travels from Half Way Tree - Cross Roads via New Kingston. Based on a lot of what I hear him saying, it is obvious that he has a lot to learn about the bus Routes and the system in general. 
Secondly, the concept of a Hub utilizing a transfer system is supposed to improve efficiency regardless of the available fleet of buses. I wonder how many persons currently in management at the JUTC actually knows about "Municipal Public Transportation" 
While I fully appreciate the need for the JUTC to maximize income, there is definitely some thing inherently wrong with the proposed system. As explained by more than one caller, for example, persons in Patrick City must take the Route 32 bus to go Down Town via Half Way Tree using a transfer. Those persons located along the Routes 31 & 31A and wishing to go Down Town may use these buses. However, these buses don't usually operate on a timely basis and the Scheduled Headways will not adequately satisfy any increase in demand. 
Added to the fact that most routes have a very limited number of Express buses, persons will be required to pay significantly more for fares.
Why does a JUTC request for fare increases not go through the OUR?
Why is there no form of consultation?
Why has the JUTC never been hauled before the PAAC? 
I sincerely hope that we can get it right.

From Listener AN

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