Friday 20 March 2015

FI WI CONCERNS 2015 - Michael Spence

Killing in New Haven

In New Haven, St Andrew, five people were shot, three fatally in a attack by gunmen in the community Tuesday night 17th March 2015. I do not think the police alone can prevent murders which are actually Jamaicans killing Jamaicans, black killing blacks and most stem from domestic disputes and gang related. The lack of consciousness in that the people do not seem to know who they are, where they are going, where they are coming from and a feeling of hopelessness. How can a person living in misery, a sufferer be convinced to murder his brother living in similar conditions another lower class sufferer? To correct this it has to be a mass movement that takes a certain kind of leadership the selfless humanist type like a Marcus Garvey with integrity, patriotic and nationalistic, respectful and respected combined with charisma that can excite the people on to a new brighter day. We can do it laws like the anti-gang act are good but the human intervention makes those laws work even better.19/03/15 


In the media if there is no sensation or lacking in vibes there will be no listenership, no readership nothing you are done Mr. Derby you are on the right track. There has to be a balance somewhat and with credibility because as soon as your clientele discovers that you are all about sensation, propaganda and outright lies you lose them and such media will be dead sooner than later.18/03/15

Local Government

Expand local governance if you reduce central government.228 councilors and 63 members of parliament about 22 ministers several permanent secretaries, consultants hand hangers on. Always remember that the population is 3 million not 315 million like the USA residing on approximately 4220 sq. miles You really want more as you get less? you just  forget that  or just "faget it". What we need is more accountability in government and people must do what they are there to do and stop asking for things like "divine intervention" and making a host of excuses and passing the buck 18/03/15


Do you notice how anti corruption speeches have become fashionable even by many who have contributed overtly or covertly to our present state? Michael Manley in 1973 that is 42 years ago said "when I look on the horizon I see a thousand little corruptions heading towards us and at this stage of our development those little corruptions should be heading the other way" he also said "If you look around the world those countries with the most corruptions are at the bottom of the economic barrel" .Well they are here, have been so for a long time, also we are indeed towards the bottom of the economic barrel. 18/03/15?

Tivoli Gardens

My impression is that Tivoli Gardens of all garrison types has the most "business" oriented people "not mainly the hand out types" with a better quality of life when compared to others garrisons. This is what I believe brings a level of destructive bad mindedness from many neighbours and quarters.Tivoli has the potential to be a leading tourist attraction because of the curiosity factor into the tenacity and survival nature of the people combined with the history and foundation of that community. Tivoli to Jamaica is like Cuba to the Caribbean. We should have a Tivoli Tourism product to help their local economy and clean up the Tivoli image. Has this native of St Thomas in Jamaica Canute Parkes,  a singer so called Reggae's First Billionaire reaching out to the people of  this community by launching his latest songs at their Community Centre or other person seen this opportunity?. 18/03/15

Our Rating

Fitch a respected rating agency views NCB Jamaica's most profitable bank's exposure to the Jamaican government as a significant source of credit risk given the grade rating, What about us the citizens who are already having a hard time and cannot escape or have finances to deal with the exposure to the Jamaican government. 18/03/15
Michael Spence
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