Sunday 3 May 2015

Fi Wi Concerns - Michael Spence


New vice chancellor, Professor Hilary Beckles, said the UWI is engaged in preliminary discussions to access funds from the China-led Asia International Bank and the New Development Bank. Makes sense we just move full speed ahead and cut a deal with China to take over Jamaica at least they have a zero tolerance to crime an essential ingredient for growth, roads fixed and an introduction of some discipline in the society. Duo hen hao penyou. . 03/05/15

Tough In The West 

SSP McGregor says "St James is a tough division to police because of its culture of crime" is not a fact as most people in the parish are law abiding, hate crime and will cooperate with any crime reduction strategy. I grew up in that region went to school in Mo Bay have family living all over the place none of them I know are criminals. Western Jamaica has been neglected by governments hence Montego Bay used to be referred to as The Republic". 
The resilience of these hardworking people enabled them to survive. St James was not a planned city like Kingston and say Spanish town but tumbled up around the sugar factory on Barnett Street and plantations around owned and operated by their owners. People came in to work squatted all over the place and many informal communities developed without roads, water or other amenities. Western Jamaica needs a rapid response intervention and a helicopter in the police arsenal because of the high number of communities with either no or poor access roads or tracks.  Sugar manufacturing went out and the new thrust was tourism the same conditions remained as when sugar was king then ganja became king. 
Today with a economic downturn and greater enforcement many people have to "tun them hands mek fashion" so today the younger digitally skilled generation have discovered scamming as an informal economic activity which is now an epidemic bringing with it guns, murder ,extortion ,construction and subsequent employment. The area needs pragmatic educational intervention to stem and replace the epidemic or else the police will ever have basket to carry water. Then the illegal practices will become a way of life (culture) for most. Then Supt McGregor can talk about ’culture of crime' but for now such reference is invalid. 03/05/15

Bad Government, Disastrous Opposition

What is the option to a bad government and a disastrous opposition could it be a Jamaica State Movement (JSM) making the good of Jamaica and Jamaicans its only goal from Negril to Morant points. 03/05/15

Communism Falls in Love With Capitalish

I think Fidel Castro admires Japan's capitalism why he and his brother has decided to meet with that country’s foreign minister..Cuba is expressing a high dose of pragmatism by courting the top economies in the world. Japan is a decent/people ,disciplined, civilized capitalist society and would be welcomed over other less disciplined wealthy societies to reduce the risk of Cuba's contamination.

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