Sunday 14 June 2015

FI WI CONCERNS - Michael Spence

The Diaspora

We need to get out of the myopic and parochial thinking box or else while we keep out our own one day when you look around our country and destination is owned and controlled from Asia or Europe then we will be fighting for independence all over again although the world may be by then one place where people live. MARCUS GARVEY pointed out that we should look at successful people /races and see the way they do things and adopt/adapt them. His main point was unity and cooperation of the black man and as PETER TOSH says "no matter where you come from as long as you are a black man you are an African" I am now saying "no matter where you come from as long as you are Jamaican you are Jamaican, cooperate with them embrace them they are our dear brothers and sisters yellow man ,black man, white man, brown man we are out of many people/races one Jamaica a model for the world to follow "no Problem". If we take that stance I guarantee this country and world will be a better place for all Jamaicans wherever they may be located and everything just,"irie". Let the Jamaican Diaspora have their say let them be able to participate in the electoral process not only the economic process give them their vote no matter where they come from. Why should we nyam them out and then lock them out .13/06/15

IMF To Be Blamed?

 The IMF is not causing poverty in Jamaica IMF people to say , what else would you expect them to say they are getting their money and where is it coming from ?, the Jamaican people who must be doing okay as there are no revolts or protests notwithstanding the government taxing the hell out of us and driving more and more people into poverty. That’s not the IMFs business collateral damage I guess as they are mainly in making sure the global capitalist get paid for their goods and that system of trade is not threatened. The population of the world is 7 billion so a 3million population is more or less insignificant in the bigger scheme of things. We better take care of our business right here in Jamaica to stem rising poverty. 12/07/15

The Bigger Picture 

You see the mentality of many of us though that's why it is difficult to move forward we cannot see the bigger opportunity picture and realise that the world is what we should go after and the diaspora is a door into the world of 7 billion people .Take away from that 5 million how much is left ?,a great opportunity I see.3 million here and 2 million in the diaspora it could come a time when the diaspora is equal to or larger than the population at home. Let them have a say from now and not wait.12/07/15

Diaspora Abandoned Jamaica

A writer to one newspaper suggested that the Diaspora consists of persons who have abandoned Jamaica and a vote from that constituency is dangerous. The diaspora is a part of the most important area of foreign exchange earnings in the form of remittances. Are we just willing to take their money that is contributing to economic development and even passing IMF tests then refuse to let them have a say in the governance of their country? What is the writer saying "nyam them out and then run them out" is not fair at all and is also a misguided overzealous patriotic view..06/12/15

 Damage To Government Property

Guard rails are guard rails to guard and if an accident occurs why punish the victim for collateral damage since it is unlikely that it was malicious. Many accidents are really not the result of carelessness on all parties’ part. The government needs to change some of these dangerous guard rails that kill and maim people we should go for safer guard items like rubber, water or other flexible material like that used on the road to the Norman Manley International Airport. Regarding the person not having a drivers license in their possession which is also has the TRN number and address needed to write a ticket is going to be a problem. The Government is hungry for money but my God man what is wrong with the provision that you have 48 hours within which to submit it for inspection at a convenient police station. Ministers Guy and Davis should do a rethink and this is where the national ID would be useful along with modern computer data technology. Do we have Government for the people by the people or government against the people piling up more misery for the people? 10/06/15

Supreme Court Ruling 

Dr Anthony Boufoy-Bastick, a psychologist who retired as lecturer in the Department of Education in 2007, was told by the UWI in 2007 that he would have to work for 10 continuous years to get supplementary pension and he was 36 days short for that benefit. Boufoy-Bastick's employment began on October 6, 1997 until August 31, 2007 when he retired after turning 65 on June 7, 2007..Of note Justice Seymour Panton, had dissented when the supreme court by majority decision overturned the ruling in favour of the lecturer given prior by supreme court judge Kay Beckford. In effect Beckford and Panton sided with the Privy Council. Justice has been finally done and it was not a complex case that these UWI people couldn't see the logic and common practice regarding a year at the UWI does not necessarily mean 365 days even from a student perspective .09/06/15

 Traffic Fines and Court

People have a tendency to go paying traffic fines and pleading guilty even when they think they are not. I go to court if I do not believe I was guilty and I have gotten justice at the traffic court on Camp Road. A female judge there was quite accommodating and discourages people from pleading guilty if they think they are not. I watch her give people justice and do not side with the police or anybody. She took time to explain the law and then will even have you agree amicably to your guilt if you are. I had a situation where I agreed I was guilty then went on to ask for leniency in terms of fines which was accommodated. Sometimes you go to court and end up paying less than if you went straight to pay at the tax office. Go to court if you feel an injustice was done to you. 08/06/15

Michael Spence

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