Monday 8 June 2015

FI WI CONCERNS - Michael Spence


 I do not think if "your 14 year old son were to have sex with his 14 year old girlfriend" he would ever go to jail, if so be the case both could end up in jail. In other Commonwealth jurisdictions like Canada there is some allowance for closeness in age. In Canada the age of consent has been raised to 16 from 14 with "close in age" exceptions ranging from 2- 5 years older. This model makes sense and even if our laws have not been tweaked as such a magistrate could be guided by best practices somewhere in the commonwealth. A legal mind on your program Mr. Derby could shed some light in this grey area.06/08/15

That Passport

British official has given Jamaica a passing grade on its treatment of British nationals incarcerated here. You don't understand it, if you are a prisoner from one powerful country that we beg from regularly they handle you with gloves so what you expect. They visit their countrymen in prison and also watch their cases in court making sure that they are getting justice. Who wouldn't want a British or USA passport and soon Cuban? You nuh get it, if you go prison a foreign you deh pon you own so hear this “leave crime alone.” 06/06/15

Loto Money

The newspapers just featured a man winning Super Lotto of $117.9 million the first thing he should do is check out a financial advisor to help him build it up before he start spend and give away. Investment is the thing so that you can earn from the money and still have the money. That money can blow out easy and fast. One decent house even if you build on your own land $50 million, one Benz or say land Cruiser another 10-15 million family giveaways 10 million you nuh see it easy fi done in less than a week. I would just buy a good 4door pick up fix up my house clear up debts and all family who close buy them a ticket to where they can go college, university or vacation local or foreign or if they want the money. After that invest, invest, invest, argument done.06/06/15


Many packaged foods some name brands are as good as poison just that we don't know but the least you can do is read the ingredients. Keep close to your local fresh produce you are a little safer because you can't forget insecticide residues. Buy good local foods eat good live strong.06/06/15

Traffic TIckets 

I am not saying no to traffic fines but check to see the percentage of uncollected fines out there. That is why there was an amnesty and still if I can recall only a small percentage was collected overall. Now if you could not collect $500 what chances you now have of collecting $5000 dollars we must to think and be realistic.Higher fines bring more corruption  as the incentive to be corrupt is significantly higher especially in an economy where there is high unemployment, high inflation, low levels of job creating employment. The "left or write" phenomenon could be further embedded. Best way to reduce the carnage on the roads is to strengthen education from basic school up so by the time one needs a license the proper ways to behave on the roads either as a pedestrian or a motorist would have been strengthened.06/06/15


In Jamaica you have gangs organized like any corporate business they will invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in tools of trade that include guns which they get returns on their investments in quick order through the enforcement of extortion on highways, construction sites ,businesses, bus and taxi routes and now I hear farmers etc.. They recruit enforcers and marketers even from among graduates of high schools and university to carry out their businesses and buy influence among a wide spectrum of public servants and businesses. Crime is a multibillion business both from a prevention perspective to the practitioners’ perspective. Gone are the days of the dirty “dutty” criminal they come now in the cleanest shapes or forms male and female alike. Why so many illegal firearms they are the tool of trade and protection for many.30/05/15

Michael Spence


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