Tuesday 23 June 2015

Fi Wi Concerns - Michael Spence

Those Imported Drinks 

William Mahfood, the president of the Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (PSOJ) expressed surprise at the volume of imports from Trinidad and Tobago, as Jamaica Customs figures showed tariff-free imports of packaged drinks, including the popular Fruta Brand, amounting to nearly $3.7 billion.I have not had a purchased drink for a long time but when I do I make sure the label says made in Jamaica. I buy fruits blend my juices bottle them, put in my small igloo and those are my drinks for the day. All well thinking person’s especially those who drive should do just that save your health and save money for yourself and the country building Jamaica.22/06/15

To Bleach Or Not To Bleach 

Ms Shanique Myrie has expressed an intention to apply to the PNP to become one of their councilors should not worry about many negative comments about her including her alleged bleaching. in politics all publicity is good depending on how you manage it. Bleaching "no Problem" she could be an advocate for bleachers by calling for the establishment of proper bleaching clinics under the auspices of the Ministry of Health to do it properly so the health of bleachers are not compromised. Like bleaching or not, it is now a reality not going away and that constituency of persons is growing. 22/06/15

That House 

Regarding querying comments from the public and political quarters regarding the construction of a house by Mr Holness,"I must confess a sense of disappointment" Holness said. I am disappointed in that comment because as a Jamaican politician himself he should have expected the comments. From day one I drove on that road I wondered who was doing this massive stone walled construction. Since then it has become almost like a tourist attraction among Jamaicans who heard it was the handy work of the leader of the opposition. The use of stones I must agree make sense, he could even publish the financial statements to kill the possible political backlash and distraction as election nears. He would have nothing to lose since as he says all things are above board and once and for all clear the air as he like anyone of us has a right to build a decent home of one’s liking.22/06/15

The problem in this country that faces people  is losing their homes and properties to mortgage companies and banks. The larger problem is that interest rates are enslaving and  high but no national leader has the guts to confront it instead their focus is on fees. The  add on method used for mortgages makes you pay for a property 3 to 4 times during the life of a mortgage. These rates turn people into squatters and make people remain squatters which is about 60% of the population considering slavery was abolished in 1838 and some gained independence in 1962. Are we independent and was slavery really abolished or was it replaced with something glamorously worse and digitally supported .22/06/15

Russia In Love With Jamaica? 

Russia to help us  in tropical agriculture, really now? We better just take what they have to offer and run with it because anything is anything this one does not seem like a real starter. Oh! the trucks, tractors and other equipment and some related technology we can run with that too and hope they will not request a whole heap of Jamaica in return. The Russians could be watching China and want bigger a piece of the action.20/06/15

These Waivers

“Big waivers to popular Jamaicans” writes Daraine Luton in one of our local newspapers. Sir, People need waivers because the duties are too high the solution is to reduce the duties on vehicles to maximum 20% and 5% at the lower end then make everyone except invalids pay. Will the IMF see that is not fair for the ordinary man/woman having to pay approximately 97% duty on a Toyota Corolla or similar sized engine car when those who administer and make the rules along with their friends and associates pay duties ranging from 0 to 20%.I dare to say that if you check most of the high end vehicles on our roads and this could be the subject of an interesting investigation may reveal an open secret that most benefit from some type of waiver or concession. Many categories of civil servants, politicians, teachers, police and military personnel, doctors, farmers and several categories of prominent Jamaicans friends and hangers on. Who can blame them take it if you can get it only that many who get it could afford to pay and others do not know anybody to make a talk or write for you. Why should some Jamaicans contributing to GDP be eligible to pay nothing while others have to bear the burden of paying in full? The IMF at least should step in and save the country from this injustice while facilitating increased trade by insisting that this visible impediment to free fair trade be eliminated or drastically reduced. Do you notice how politicians take care of each other while the ordinary man out there killing off each other in the name of partisan politics? This is nothing new that is how the thing set from day one, so wake up and live my people open your eyes, ears and think. How does one apply for a waiver should be made public so we all know the established channel to give a semblance of openness and fair play?19/06/15

The lowest down the ranks who can put their signature on such waiver letters would be the Financial Secretary signing for the Minister and based on the powers of the minister he does not have to ask anyone what to do or answer to any one including the Prime Minister or Governor General. The Minister of Finance is the most powerful man in government he can make or break any other minister much less me or you so with the % wage increases offered to civil  servants/police I am saying is "take it or leave it" unless they have the stomach and where with all to sustain a protracted wage war which could backfire. Like for civil servants the regulation for paying 20% duty refers to persons who " are eligible for and or in receipt of travelling allowances" this is gazetted information also available for persons engaged in agriculture to pay an overall duty of 20% on trucks as defined in the road traffic law and the customs act. For farmers it usually has to be researched ,verified by the ministry Of agriculture regarding authenticity of activity (dog rearing or horse breeding does not qualify as agriculture) and land tenure e.g. lease hold or free hold, squatter holders do not qualify. Jamaica with a 60% squatter population should be able to get the facility if lets say it can be verified they are doing said activity same place without hindrance for at least 12years in line with ownership by "Adverse possession" The request for this facility from the Minister of Agriculture to the Minister of Finance for him to approve it and advise the commissioner of customs .Waivers referred to in the article I think referred only to discretionary waivers not specifically gazetted.20/06/15


This concept of having drills in schools located where there are frequent flare ups of gunfire among warring factions and intervening security forces attempting to put a lid on is essential to save lives and minimize collateral damage. Always remember crawl to safety in the face of active gunfire if inside your house the routine includes getting off the bed on the floor, stay away from openings, and crawl under a bed if your size allows and stay behind solid walls for cover if available and time and space allows.. That principle saved me from harm downtown earlier this year. Eight others running to safety or were upright were not so lucky only lucky that no one died from their injuries. Shoppers and all people in downtown Kingston, May Pen, Montego Bay, Spanish Town and elsewhere in Jamaica need some of these drills. Who is going to prepare the Jamaica Survival Handbook, will you Sir? 20/06/15

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