Wednesday 1 July 2015

Fi WI Concerns - Michael Spence


As an unrepentant heterosexual if the lesbian and gays want to march they should be allowed like any other group of Jamaicans getting the requisite permits and protection. Many gays and lesbians in the society are hiding under the cover of heterosexual relationships and therein lay the health and other dangers. They should be allowed to show up themselves so the society knows who is who since they are not going to suddenly disappear either by prayer, hate, brutality or prison. Greater transparency is better in the long run for the society as a whole. 01/07/15


“Cannabis impairs their cognitive and psycho-motor skills” says one minister in parliament. Well these doctors in Government just discover that in time to push for $10000 fine when you drive and $500 when you walk and $0 when you sleep or sitting down. Anyway the positive is that more work for taxi operators and taxi can advertise "drug free driver at the controls”. This ganja business with a very expensive licencing regime on the way seems destined to bring more costly troubles since decriminalization. My advice is leave ganja smoking out of your syllabus and curriculum it’s not worth it and moreover smoking is unhealthy whether it is Riverton smoking, cigarette smoking or ganja smoking.01/07/15

Abolish Parish Councils

Parish council Elections postponed. Why not just abolish the parish councils as all they seem to do is add extra burdens of nepotism, fees and taxes on the Jamaican people. The 228 Councilors could go if you ask me and now they want to embed parish councils in the constitution .30/06/15

Minister Pickersgill

Minister Pickersgill warned Jamaicans to brace themselves for worsening dry conditions and severe water restrictions. What kind of solution he ever came with, OH! The same thing over the years that amounts to a lot of inconveniences to more problems is that the definition of solution. The real solution to drought is more rain, larger storage capacity so what about cleaning out the silt from the Mona and Hermitage dams. Again more talk, talk, and talk for solution.30/06/15

That House
Tell me something drug dealers, police, teachers, higglers civil servants, assorted criminals and a variety of unsavory people can build the largest mansions and people just admire it .Mr. Andrew Holness leader of the opposition is a young man building himself a decent house for he and his family. What’s the fuss is it just bad mind, public mischief or political opportunism. We should stop it. Guess he could have been a political opportunist himself and apply for a house in Riverton meadows or some NHT funded housing scheme and maximize the use of the politics of poverty strategy giving the semblance of loving the poor ultimately. .29/06/15

Get The Economy Growing

We just need to get the country's economy growing for the long haul who wins where now is irrelevant to Jamaica people hardship. The politicians who have captured Jamaica and are moving headlong to under develop Jamaica. Politicians need to give Jamaica a break this country I believe could be run much better by volunteers. Will we be soon reading a book "how politics underdeveloped Jamaica".29/06/15

Michael Spence

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