Sunday 15 May 2016

Fi Wi Concerns - Audit Needed by Michael Spence

The Contractor General of Jamaica Dirk Harrison has asked the director of public prosecutions to take action against two councilors in the Hanover Parish Council who recommended dozens of government contracts valued at millions of dollars to family members and political affiliates. In 2012 and 2014, it's reported that someone  recommended five family and two political affiliates for 69 government contracts valued $9.4 million, Someone made 30 recommendations for contracts amounting to approximately $2.5 million to a combined five family members one of the contracts was awarded to his sister with the purpose of buying a refrigerator for their mother.

This kind of highlighted nepotism and favoritism, as well as breaches of government procurement laws and regulations I guarantee is not unique to this rural Hanover parish council. This kind of audit and investigation should be done at all parish councils and do not discriminate nor single out Hanover because I bet that this is the tip of the iceberg, a distraction and may well be “monkey money” in comparison to the more urban councils. Clear the air and audit the KSAC that is under the nose of Jamaica's Kingston based government.

Better still, audit central government, executive agencies, ministries, ministers, permanent secretaries and MPs. The DPP should insist and take no action against the councilors until a comprehensive audit of all fourteen parish councils is completed in the interest of justice, transparency,equity, non-discrimination and fairness however reprehensible their actions were, the DPP should consider this course of action immediately to clean up and safeguard the system from pirates.14/05/16

Michael Spence

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