Thursday 31 August 2017


The Consumer Affairs Commission (CAC) is cautioning consumers in general and in particular last minute back to school shoppers to be careful when using their debit and credit cards to make purchases. It has come to the Commission’s attention that consumers’ cards are either being swiped twice or the incorrect amount is being removed when they tender these cards for the payment of a purchase at point of sale machines.

Reports to the Commission have shown that there are two methods by which this is done. For cards that have dual currency, instead of taking the Jamaican Dollar amount, it is the US Dollar equivalent that is removed. Example, if the total purchases amounts to J$600, it is US$600 that is swiped.

In the other instance, the consumers’ cards are being swiped twice. Example, the consumer has made a purchase for $1800. Upon examination of their account, another purchase of $2500 is reflected that cannot be accounted for.

The Commission is therefore urging consumers to retain all their receipts and be responsible when making purchases by:

  • The Commission is therefore urging consumers to retain all their receipts and be responsible when making purchases by:
  • Reading the information that is presented on the point of sale machine.
  • Paying attention to your card when it is being swiped.
  • Checking your online statements at the end of the day to see what has been recorded. For consumers who do not have access to online statements, check your printed statements as soon as possible.
  • If there are any anomalies, speak with the manager of the store. However, if the issue is not resolved, contact the Consumer Affairs Commission and make a complaint.

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