Tuesday 1 August 2017

Fi Wi Concerns By Michael Spense


I wonder if the Minister had ever smoked/inhaled ganja. His basis for the opposition to ganja for recreational use is that smoking of any herb or tobacco-based products is not good but "will support the use of ganja extracts for research and medicinal purposes". Does the traditional Ganja Chalice make ganja smoking safer by the smoke passing through and the dangerous carcinogens eliminated by the water and Is there any research in that direction. In the meantime there needs to be an aggressive ban on smoke being emitted from vehicles minister .Whereas smoking ganja is by choice inhaling more deadly carcinogenic motor vehicle fumes we have no choice even government owned vehicles like JUTC are culprits.19/07/17

Cops and Gunmen

According to recent news Cops, gunmen clash in foiled Denham Town attack Sound like Fake news with 40 men armed and only one window shattered with no injuries. Solving this situation is not simply JDF and JCF it is deeper than that maybe the Government forces have to take the more ethical side reinforce a super Don wipe out two sides and only have one side to contend with. As it is the situation seems more confusing and dangerous than in Syria in the Middle East. 19/07/17

No Toll

Prime Minister Andrew Holness has emphasized that motorists will not be charged a toll to use the 110-kilometre roadway between Harbour View, Kingston, and Port Antonio, Portland that is slated for rehabilitation under the Southern Coastal Highway Improvement Project (SCHIP). What a lucky people so it will be cheaper to go East than West or North. St Thomas here we come no "Toll Road" "Free Road" who going to maintain it or pay for it?. Anyway politicians have a way of changing their minds and what if Government change. Remember "Free Education" what is it now? 19/07/17

Jamaican Bermuda Connection

Son of J'can woman elected Bermuda's youngest premier  Congrats from yaad wonder if he has a Jamaican passport yet for which he is eligible.19/07/17

Death of that Policeman

Former politician shot dead by police after killing of woman in Santa Cruz. This is more than a disaster and must be investigated thoroughly because I refuse to believe that a 70 year old man could be so stupid. First move is to determine for sure which weapon shot who, fired by whom. Question # 1, was he and or the policeman drunk or have alcohol in their systems above mentally rational limits, #2 Was there a relationship heterosexual/homosexual intimate or otherwise between the police and the young woman and or the dead man,#3 was there any argument/heated verbal exchanges among the three or connected parties prior to or on this particular occasion, in other words, is there a history of any kind of conflict. These and more questions must be answered to clear the air. 19/07/17

Lower or increase the age of consent from 16?

Should “a person under the age of 16” be deleted from the Act and amended in keeping with the definition of a child in Section 2 of the Act as “a person under the age of 18 years” according to the recommendations of the People's National Party Women's Movement (PNPWM).Before doing so among our 2.8 million Jamaican population one should look at what happens among most of the planet's 7billion occupants. Britain like Jamaica and European countries like Cyprus, Finland, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, and Switzerland the age of consent at 16, so how do we compare to the rest of the world?
Austria, Germany, Portugal and Italy it is 14, and in France, the Czech Republic, Denmark, and Greece it is 15.
Spain did have one of the lowest ages of consent in Europe just 13, but recently raised it to 16.
In rest of the world, there are wide variations.
In Bahrain, it is 21 for women who want to marry without their father's consent, while in Saudi Arabia, all sex outside of marriage is illegal but no laws limiting the age at which you can marry.
In China, age of consent is 14, in Iraq it is 18, while in Japan it is 13.
Closer to home Brazil, Peru, Paraguay, Ecuador and Colombia all have it at 14.
In some countries - such as Chile - the minimum age of consent is 14, but there are legal restrictions on sexual activities up to the age of 18, and homosexual sex is illegal before 18.
Australia's age of consent varies between 16 and 17 depending on the territory you are in, and the same goes for America where it ranges from 16 to 18 between states.
In Angola, the age of consent is just 12.
Should the age of consent be higher than 16 in Jamaica? we must take all the global realities and intervening cultural practices among North and South America and all our trading and tourism partners with the Caribbean into consideration? For now my conclusion is for it to remain where it is at 16. 19/07/17

Politics of Perpetual Poverty

Sis P's niche could be how to deal with "Politics of Perpetual Poverty". An in-depth study into how a people in a sea of poverty, chaos crime and disorder organize themselves to be governed. The efficacy of Charismatic leadership and how an impressionable illusion of loving the poor displaying hugs and kisses prevents the social system from descending into ungovernable chaos. This is groundbreaking research and revelations where politicians from all over the third world would come running. Mugabe as a guest lecturer is not farfetched. You know Sis P has the record of physically touching more Jamaicans than any other individual politician in Jamaica's history I must declare I am one of them and she always has a special place in my mind/heart. 19/07/17


NHT loan ceiling moved to $5.5m for open market properties .Jamaica Island wide so let us say 4 persons to a house there is a need for at least 220000 housing solutions. The other way is to make all squatters have a livable space (a human right under the United Nations charter) with legal tenure and take it from there with a multi pronged holistic approach. It is either now or never as the(squatter communities) factories for criminals and or unwholesome behavior continues. 19/07/17

Overseas Based Jamaicans Right To Vote

Give Jamaicans living in US more privileges says Dr Peter Phillips leader of the  Opposition People’s National Party." Time has come for the Jamaican Constitution to allow Jamaicans living in the United States of America to be eligible to sit in Parliament" go for it Government and opposition time come. Technically a Robert Mugabe could even become PM of Jamaica based on the Commonwealth provision in the Constitution. As a matter of fact USA is our greatest trading partner we benefit more from Trump than Mugabe of Zimbabwe. 19/07/17

Government Vehicles

No first preference; Gov't ministers now required to bid for vehicles Reduce duties on all vehicles for every member of society to a livable and manageable rate of duty for all. No more 0% for the minister,20% for some travelling officers in the Civil service, farmers, political parties, selected business and other persons. I say one country ,one people, same people, same rate no preferential treatment for anyone who contributes to the Gross Domestic Product. Preferences breed corruption and crime. One rate for all hard  working taxpayers. 19/07/17

 Minimum Wage

The Tambourine Army has suggested a Minimum wage (MW) of $20000 sounds well intentioned. The vast majority of persons/businesses having to pay minimum wage are small, micro and medium businesses and while everyone would wish as the Tambourine Army suggested a MW of $20000 that is just unrealistic and would have the effect of causing more unemployment through legislation leading to more crime and the cycle of social ills perpetuated. A MW of $6632 is a good compromise and those who can pay more should be encouraged to do so. The reality is things are tough and small people/businesses are suffering many have died and others dying when you put it in perspective against $60000 compulsory business tax various trade licenses and a host of other taxes like asset tax etc.GCT should be the only tax which all have to pay criminal enterprises included. Minimum wages cannot be looked at in isolation of all the other national/global realities and it is great that the PIOJ seem to have done a great job. Well done. 19/07/17

This is a democracy and one can refuse to take that job. Do you realize that countries like China,Indonesia,Thailand,Vietnam,India have attracted investments, increased employment, making their countries prosperous based on the pillars of high labor productivity and internationally competitive wages. I recall at one time I realized that you could get 6 Chinese for one Jamaica minimum wage worker in Thailand and Indonesia that is even more you can get people to work for food.All those cheap pretty clothes and shoes sold in wholesales all over the country look at the labels. We not only live in Jamaica but a global environment that has to be considered. We had a thriving free zone dubbed and vilified as slavery the operators discovered China and other cheaper locations they disappeared overnight. Our crime rate is linked to unemployment better to get something than nothing. India focused on High Tech jobs delivering them cheaper than USA or anywhere in Europe so computer and jobs related to the digital age India was prepared. What is Jamaican labour prepared for and we have high tastes and want  a lot of money so people become assorted criminals including scammers if unprepared.We are  good on chatting from the top to the bottom of the society but weak on implementation. 19/07/17


Transport Authority should subsidize JUTC?. You are actually saying that all of Jamaicans taxpayers’ money should subsidize transportation mainly for Kingston, Montego Bay and St Catherine people. What about the rest of Jamaica I am in opposition to that  proposal that "Transport Authority should subsidize JUTC" no way, the quasi colonial power in Kingston is getting away with too much exploitation of the Jamaican people already they are the victims always.19/07/17

Prisoner and Education

Government is looking at incentives for criminals who plead guilty ,I sayTurn the prisons into a Polytechnic University Colleges where you sentence people to education and training nothing less than 3years to achieve some rehabilitative skill/knowledge/qualification. Volunteers are available all over the place UTECH, UWI, MICO and other places as lecturers and trainers. Students who volunteer should get as an incentive reduced/elimination of fees. On the right track Mr. Chuck. 19/07/17

Diaspora and Crime

Diaspora on board to help fight crime Yes "the Jamaican Diaspora wants to see a holistic approach to crime-fighting on the island" . It is common knowledge on the ground in several communities that there are those in the Diaspora, Cyber Dons sending guns, money and instructions to cause mayhem in communities must stop and they should be exposed, executed and imprisoned where possible. Ask the FBI for assistance in cleaning that up. 19/07/17


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