Saturday 27 January 2018


A joint Military/Police operation in Granville, St. James yesterday, resulted in the seizure of two high powered assault rifles and 149 rounds of ammunition. At approximately 3pm, the security forces were conducting search operations in the area when they went to a premises on Gordon Crescent in search of wanted men and illegal guns. A modified M16 rifle with three magazines, one of which was a double barreled variant, was found hidden along a fence line adjacent to an open lot at the location. The magazines were subsequently found to contain 149 7.62 rifle rounds. The search continued and approximately two hours later, an AK47 and one magazine was found hidden in bushes nearby. No arrests were made in connection with yesterday's seizure and search operations are still underway. 

The Security Forces continue to make gains in the fight against lawlessness which exists in St James, having already arrested several wanted men and removed a number of weapons from the hands of criminals. This find now brings to four, the number of high powered assault rifles found since the commencement of the State of Emergency on January 18.   

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