Monday 9 July 2018

'Parson Christen him pickney Fuss' - Michael Spence

The alleged Nepotism at Petrojam or elsewhere in 2018 is not new. This type of behaviour is embedded in our political, financial, religious, racial, family and economic culture - this is part of our way of life. Does anyone recall the formal institutionalization of nepotism in the 70s with the Pickersgill Committee of the PNP and every Party also the JLP follows suit in their own way - "Parson Christen him pickney Fuss"." 

The decline accelerated during the People's National Party (PNP) administration of Michael Manley in the 1970s when party loyalty was given greater weight than competence. The operations of the Pickersgill Committee were widely seen as a formal mechanism to ensure such choice" Taken from Gleaner Editorial "A time to shift gears published: Sunday | May 7, 2006.

We can’t be hypocrites and expect that JLP is going to look out for diehard comrades or PNP in place of Labourites in key positions. In the 1980s Michael Manleys' son employment was terminated at the Bauxite Institute and the then Prime Minister Edward Seaga being a straight shooter admitted that fact and the controversy ended "braps". Again,  "Parson Christen him pickney Fuss" is and embedded part of not only political culture but every facet of life in Jamaica, that will not change anytime soon regardless of what you do. We just need to make sure that national life and our objectives as a nation is not jeopardized by placing persons in positions who cannot do their jobs well. I also recall that it was PNP Omar Davis 's brother Carlton Davies who was tasked by the than Minister of Finance Edward Seaga to do a study regarding buying the now Petrojam then the Esso oil refinery and the rest is history.

My motto is "the most competent man/woman for the job JLP,PNP or No P" .

Michael Spence

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