Wednesday 12 June 2019

JPS To Roll out Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

In a revolutionary move in keeping with international trends, JPS has announced that it will be paving the way for the electrification of the local transportation sector.  This, as the Company will be rolling out Electric Vehicle charging stations across the country, which after full deployment, will see 90% of the Jamaican population within 30 kilometers of a charging station. Full deployment is expected by the end of March 2020.

The charging stations will be easily accessible, convenient stops, for time-extended charging and will provide electric vehicle drivers with the opportunity to top-up and go, whenever traveling across the island. JPS will build and operate these charging stations on the properties of third party partners.

The Company has been actively collaborating with several stakeholders to review the local Electric Vehicle market and to propose recommendations to support the acceleration of the growth of the sector. 

Electric vehicles have a number of advantages over internal combustion engines vehicles, including: being cheaper to operate than petrol or diesel vehicles; requiring less maintenance; and being eco-friendly as they emit no gases or toxic fumes.

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