Monday 8 June 2020

A Weekend of Water Woes In Kingston & St. Andrew

Kingston, Jamaica, June 8, 2020.

Ferry Work Not Complete

The NWC probably needs a few billions to upgrade its system not only in Kingston & St. Andrew but right across the island. Buildings are being erected, the population is growing but our water resources are not being properly harnessed. It is clear every year that the Mona and the Hermitage dams cannot supply our water needs in the metropolitan areas.

The damage done to the the mains at Ferry have not been fully repaired. I was under the understanding that the work would have been completed in 2019.

Dirty Water from the tap

Strange Water Colour 

It has been a rough weekend for many NWC customers across the island. I received a number of calls complaining about the NWC this weekend.  In Molynes Gardens for example, the residents complained about the brownish colour of the water. I understand that the NWC was flushing out the system.

Residents commented that if work is being done on the system then good customer service should dictate that NWC should let their customer know what is happening.

Residents said they could not drink this water

Colour of Water In The Toilet

Queensborough Continues To Have Water Water Challenges 

Queensborough has been experiencing low water pressure and the area was without water for about three days last week. Water came trickling through the taps on the weekend.

Chancery Hall - No Water For 5 Days

There has been no water at Lord Nelson Drive, Lady Hamilton,  Horatio Drive (top and bottom) and there is low water pressure at Quarter Deck. Residents in the area are very frustrated and reports are that residents are very upset with how the NWC is functioning.

Broken Mains

While some areas are without water, there are broken mains. Last week as soon as they fixed a broken main in Queensborough in Kingston, the workers had to go back later in the night to fix the same broken main. The water mains are broken frequently in that area. I understand that the pipes are old and they cannot manage the water pressure. These are asbestos pipes I have been told.

Broken Main
Heading down Washington Boulevard from Constant Spring Road, just after you go under the overhead bride (Mina Wilmot Bridge),  the scarce commodity can be seen gushing from the pipes.

Water is life, water is scarce but we continue to allow it to go to waste in Jamaica, land of wood and water.

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