Tuesday 20 October 2020

Councillor Dies From Covid-19

Annmarie Vaz MP, East Portland

East Portland Member of Parliament, the Jamaica Labour Party's, Annmarie Vaz, is this afternoon paying tribute to the late sitting Councillor for the Fellowship Division in her constituency, Irvin Brown.

Mr. Brown died this morning after being in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for approximately three weeks. He had fallen ill and had also tested positive for Covid-19. He was 61 years old.

Mrs. Vaz says she is particularly devastated as she shared a close relationship and deep love for Councillor Brown who was truly committed to improving the lives of the people.

Mrs. Vaz says the Councillor gave sterling service to the people of Fellowship and leaves behind a legacy of excellence and dedicated service.

The East Portland MP is also sending her deepest condolences  to the Councillor's family, friends and colleagues.

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